My Own Way Home (Part 2)

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Author's Note: In which reunions happen and plans are made. :D I hope you enjoy the end of this story! ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka doesn't know what to think about this any more than she did when it started. It feels like everything is just falling, worsening, instead of getting better. And no, she didn't really expect anything else, but that makes this no less difficult to watch. There's nothing she can do, and she can't just do nothing, either.

Not only because this is Anakin, and that Obi-Wan is still alive, but also with her duty as a Jedi.

She doesn't understand exactly what happened, and she's no longer a Jedi, but Obi-Wan is, and he's one of the few remaining ones she even knows about. She wants to make sure he stays safe.

And she doesn't know what to do about Anakin. There's no one to turn to. He's a Sith, and she has to stop him. She can't let him hurt anyone, but she can't...

He's Anakin.

She's never been able to let go of her attachment to him. She doesn't know what to do.

Not that she's anywhere near either of them anyway, and she's fairly certain they're both still hunting each other down right now, and... what is going to happen with that, she has no idea.

Though, when she wakes up in the dream world for the fourth time, she really can't help wondering why this keeps happening. There has to be some reason for it, right? She doubts the three of them are doing it by accident. Is the Force doing something??? Not that she'll probably ever get an answer to that, and it isn't really that important, anyway.

If it is, Ahsoka doubts she'll get an answer, either way. She would've asked Anakin, and... she still could. Maybe she should.

This time she appears looking like... Morai.

The other two appear moments later, Obi-Wan materializes in a misty haze and Anakin –

He looks like a little child, maybe about ten??? She's never seen him when he was younger before, but this is probably what he used to look like. Also, he's adorable. Though, he's wearing clothes that look a little more like rags, so this must be from before he came to the Temple.

"Anakin?" she asks, staring at him. He's so small. She didn't know he was this small – from the first time she saw him, he's always been taller than her. She'd found it annoying. Now, he's just tiny, and it's disturbing. To be fair, Ahsoka is still smaller than him, but that's because she's a bird right now. "You're so... small." It's incredibly ineloquent, but she has a right to be a little freaked out, okay?

He blinks, looking down at his hands as if they're something foreign and unnatural. "Yes." He sounds young, too.

It makes her really wonder why they appear the way they do here, anyway. But whatever she appears as seems to fit her mood perfectly. That's probably true for the others too, so she's not sure why Anakin looks like he did when he was so young and a slave, right now.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan says, the tone mostly unreadable, but Ahsoka thinks seeing Anakin this young is probably a lot harder for him than it is for her, since he once knew Anakin at this age.

"What?" he asks, looking up. There's something wary and angry, and... scared? in his eyes. It's easier to see when he looks so young, and somehow, it hurts far worse. She – she can tell that he's hurting, and she wants to help, but she doesn't know what to do. Doesn't know what she could do to change anything if he's determined to stay a Sith.

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