Hope Arisen

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Author's Note: This is a gift request by Hestiaskywalker on ff.net! I really hope that you enjoy this completed story. It was so much fun to write. ^-^

Also, all mentions of Amatakka and the Tatooine Slave Culture can be created to Fialleril, who created them. :)

PS. It is my personal headcanon that Rey is a reincarnation of Anakin (she has Anakin's soul aka she is Anakin, with or without his memories of his first life), while Ben is a reincarnation of Obi-Wan (he has Obi-Wan's soul, even if not his memories). It makes so much sense for many reasons which I'll enumerate if someone is interested in hearing. :P

PSS. Yes, I am aware of the sheer hilarity of Ben wanting to be like Vader given that headcanon. It's half the reason why I think it makes sense. xD

~ Amina Gila

From four pivotal moments in history, four members of the Skywalker family are pulled to the same place. Perhaps together, they can find the strength and clarity to make the right choices, leading to different, better futures for all of them in their own respective timelines.

The planet is not one Anakin has ever seen before. He doesn't see any signs of sentient life... except the strange, giant creature towering over them, and three other figures. Two humans and one Togruta. His heart skips a beat when he sees her face. Her markings are different now, and her lekku are far longer, but he'd recognize the twin diamonds on her forehead and the rest of the white marks on her face anywhere. Her skin is the exact same shade, and that she has two lightsabers is a dead giveaway. It's Ahsoka, but she's much older.

There's a boy around Anakin's age who looks disturbingly like him, except he's dressed differently, and his hair isn't curly. He's much shorter, too, and reminds him disturbingly of Padme, in a way. His presence is, strangely, blindingly bright.

The third person looks older than Anakin, though he couldn't say for sure how much. He has a scar across his face, and his black hair is almost longer than Anakin's. He's dressed in all black, too, and... he's dark. He's a Sith. Or a Dark Sider, at least, and a strong one. Anakin's not sure what to make of that.

Before any of them can speak, Anakin's attention is drawn to the other figure present. It's a towering creature that he's neither seen nor heard of before, but its presence reminds him disturbingly of the Mortis gods.

"I am the Bendu," it declares, "I have brought you here. You have much to discuss before you can return home." The creature lumbers off at that, leaving the four of them standing there.


"Anakin?" whispers a voice. Ahsoka. Anakin turns back to her, taking in her much older form.

"Ahsoka," he breathes. He feels rooted to the spot as he looks at her – this is his padawan, and she's probably older than him now, even though he always remembers her as being... young. And small.

She darts forwards without a warning, launching herself into his arms. He catches her, momentarily caught off-guard by how much heavier she is. He hasn't held her in many months, but somehow, he suspects it's been much longer for the others.

"Who are you?" the blonde-haired boy who looks disturbingly similar to himself asks. "I'm Luke Skywalker."

"Kylo Ren," the Sith replies, darkly. His temper already seems to be on a short fuse – it reminds Anakin a little of Ventress. "And I know all of you."

"Ahsoka Tano."

"Anakin," he answers, ignoring how his padawan seems determined to strangle all the life out of him. "Anakin Skywalker."

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