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Author's Note: Honestly, this entire thing is sorta based off my headcanons that the over-worrying and Jedi-part of Anakin's raising Ahsoka came from Obi-Wan, the always-tell-me-how-you-feel thing came from Palpatine, and the constantly supportive, deep emotional connection that always drove him to her side was from Shmi. ^-^

And you would literally NOT BELIEVE how much a pain it was to make these people talk. -...- 

~ Rivana Rita

Also, this is a gift for MalirBly on ao3, and this is for the Disaster Trio May 4th Gift Exchange.

May the Fourth be with you all! :D

PS. This is one of four things I'm releasing in honor of May 4th. :)

~ Amina Gila

In the aftermath of the Hardeen debacle, nothing is alright. Maybe it never will be again. Anakin and Ahsoka have to deal with the fallout and grieve the loss of their relationship with and trust of the man they had both looked up to. It doesn't help that Anakin is injured (and ill now, too), both from Orondia and Naboo, and that leaves Ahsoka to tend to him on her own.

Ahsoka looks at her master again, pressing her lips together to withhold another remark about his condition. He doesn't look good. He's tired, worn, and he needs to rest. He needs to go to the medbay, but she knows how much he hates to. He will though, eventually. It's only a matter of when.

His face is sort of flushed like he's sick or something, but Jedi rarely get sick. It only happens if they're on an especially inhospitable planet and start running out of rations, which... has happened before.

So yes, Ahsoka is worried, but more than that, she's hurt and furious and confused and lost.

She simply cannot understand it. Never in a million years would she have expected this. Yes, there has been disagreements with the Council and Anakin in the past, and she knew there was a lot of strain there. Ahsoka never really knew why, and normally, Anakin was always the one to defend the Council if she ever got upset about stupid, petty, childish things. Now she knows.

Obi-Wan might be back, but it still feels as though whatever sort of bond he'd shared with her and her master was shattered the moment Ahsoka held his body in her arms, and they took him back to the Temple together. He may not have been buried for real, but whatever was left of their trust was.

And as if all of that weren't enough, as if leaving Anakin out of the mission the Chancellor himself personally assigned Anakin to...

Ahsoka doesn't know what happened, from the time Anakin jumped off their ship on Orondia until she found him after nearly being killed herself, no thanks to Obi-Wan. She didn't know what happened, but he'd been beaten badly, and she very much suspects he broke or fractured a few things. She had tried to take care of him – especially everything visible – as best she could, but there was only so much she could do in their very short timeframe before getting to Naboo.

"Skyguy," Ahsoka declares finally as soon as they're alone, standing in front of him with her arms crossed. "You need to go to the medbay."

"I will," he replies, tiredly. "I just – not right now. Not today. I – do you have classes today? Anything?"

Ahsoka frowns. Okay, she knows what he's going to say, and she can definitely respect that, but she doesn't know if he has the time. It's not like he's dying or anything, but she thinks she has the right to be worried. "No. I mean, it's nothing I can't do myself. I'll take care of it with the boys, don't worry."

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