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I was watching Raw with Sam, Jake and Tara. Seth was in the middle of a match with JD. Seth hit JD with a curb stomp and pinned him 1...2...3. Damian and Jessica ran down. *Sam said oh shit he's cashing in.* Damian gave Jessica the brief case. Jessica took it to the ref and said he's cashing in! Damian was in the ring looking at Seth. Samantha said Damian Priest is cashing in his money in the bank brief case. The bell rang. Damian went to hit Seth. Jessica jumped on the apron and distracted the referee. *I said what the hell is she doing? Jake said I don't know. But she's about to screw him over.* Damian looked at Jessica and said Tiff! Seth turned Damian around, kicked him in the stomach and DDT him. He bounced off the ropes, curb stomped him and pinned him 1...2...3. Seth retained and slid out. Jessica slid in the ring with her phone and microphone and sat on the top turn buckle. Jessica looked at Damian. Everyone was in shock. Damian looked at Jessica confused. *Sam said I bet he didn't know she was gonna do this? Jake said nah, this was planned. She probably had them spin it because you were uncomfortable. I said shut up.* Jessica said ya know, I'm a lot of things but I'm not a liar unlike you Damian. Damian said what are you talking about? Jessica said I may be a blond but I'm not dumb dear. It has been brought to my attention today that you have been being paid to be my friend since I started here. *Tara said ahhhh! No fucking way! Sam said I love this angle.* Jessica said in case y'all don't believe me I came with receipts. *Sam said not the receipts.*  Jessica held her phone to the microphone

Becky said I have a business proposal for you. Damian said that's a weird way to start a conversation. Becky said I know. So as you know Tiffany has been on a bitch kick recently and I want you-. Damian said no, I'm not getting involved with her. She's a cruel bitch and I don't want to associate myself with her. *We were in shock* Becky said come on all she needs is one friend and considering she despises all the women here. As much as I hate to say it. But she's really pretty. Damian said I'm not gonna date her. Now that's cruel. Even if she is a bitch she doesn't deserve that. Becky said just be her friend. Everyone wouldn't be walking on eggshells. Damian said fine. But friend is the extent. Becky said alright. Thank you Damian. Damian said whatever.

Damian was standing. He said Jessica. *I said oh this is real.* Jessica said I don't wanna hear it! You lied to me from the very beginning! You never wanted to be my friend. How did you describe me a cruel bitch again? Well guess what, I may be a cruel bitch but I would've never done that to you. You're just like everybody else in that locker room. A vindictive, evil liar. Lucifer has nothing on you Damian Priest. She got off the ropes and said you and I are done. I have a better man waiting for me at home right now. *Sam said let's go!* Jessica said and as for Becky Lynch you're next on my list bitch! She slapped Damian, dropped the microphone and got out of the ring. Sam said oh my god, she literally destroyed that man. Jake said call her in 20 and find out the tea. I said that's my plan.

10 minutes later
Jessica called me. I said wow I didn't have to call her. Sam said answer it. I answered it.

She was in her car.

Me: was that real?

Jessica: oh yeah, Becky's been paying him from the very beginning to be my friend.

Sam: oof!

Jessica: but yeah, that was real. Damian didn't know I was gonna screw him over. So his reaction was authentic and real.

Jake: I love the I have a better man waiting for me at home line

Jessica: well Colby is a better man than Damian. He's not lying to me. At least I hope he's not.

Me: no I'm not lying to you. Nobody's paying me to do anything.

Jessica: good

Me: I can't believe Damian did that. He seemed so genuine about it.

Jessica: I can't believe it either. That fucking sucked though. I've never had someone be paid to be my friend before. Like am I really that repulsive?

Tara: I know we don't work with you. But everyone in the friend group loves you and none of us fake anything like that.

Sam: especially since how much you've protected us over the years. Like we could've died so many times and you've been there to protect us.

Jessica: yeah it just pisses me off. Like if you think I'm such a cruel person leave me the fuck alone! Don't take money to pretend to like me. I'm telling you I hate these fake bitches here. Stephanie's calling me.

Sam: eww you're in trouble

Jessica: I'll deal with her tomorrow. I'm to pissed right now to talk to my boss. Ah, man are you kidding me?

Me: what?

Jessica: there's an accident I'll call y'all back

Jake: go play god

Jessica looked annoyed

Hung up
Jake laughed and said she's not in the mood to play Angel right now. I said bro I can't believe Damian did that to her. That's so fucked. Sam said for real though. Tara said I can't believe they think that after she saved Ric Flair's life. I said they don't know she's an Angel. So they don't know she saved Ric's life. Sam said as far as they know she's a total bitch. I said people really suck. I can't imagine how she feels. Jake said that's gotta hurt her. Because she is a really good person despite what her coworkers think. I said I mean she literally healed Rhea's ankle. She could've been out for months. Jake said well think of it this way now you don't have someone trying to steal your girlfriend. I laughed and said true. I got up and said well imma go shower. Sam said go think about your girlfriend. I laughed and said I always do. I went upstairs....

There's an Angel among usHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin