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2 hours later

Jessica and I had a great time tonight. I got to know her a lot better. I pulled up. It looks like more people are here. Jessica leaned over and kissed me. She held the side of my face and said what do you say we go change, you come to my room and we watch a movie. I smiled and said I'd love that. Jessica said awesome. We got out and walked inside. Jessica said damn y'all having a party or something. Tara said Colby went out in a date we need to celebrate. We laughed. Sam said did y'all have fun? Jessica said I had a great time. Jake said y'all make out. I laughed. I said imma make some popcorn and grab some drinks. What would you like? Jessica said a Dr. Pepper. I said okay. Jessica touched my shoulder and said I'll be upstairs waiting, just knock. I said okay. She went upstairs to her room and closed the door. Sam said what are y'all doing? I sat on the couch took my shoes off. Amber said is that lipstick on your lips? I smiled. Jake said she kissed you? That's my boy. I rolled my eyes. I said we're gonna watch a movie. Ari said some Netflix and Chill. I said shut up. I heard a thud come from upstairs. I said Jess! Sam said Jessica! It sounded like fighting coming from her room. Her door opened. Jessica threw a guy over the railing. Jessica jumped the railing, got on top of the guy and touched his forehead. A white light came from the guys eyes and mouth. He passed out. We were in shock. Kevin said what the fuck? Jessica looked at us and said ask questions later. She got off him touched his forehead and said hey are you okay? He said I didn't mean to attack you? Jessica slowly helped him sit up and said it's okay. Are you okay? He said yeah, I'm okay. Jessica said what's your name? He said Henry Novak. Jessica said you're safe now Henry. She got up and helped him up. She said would you like me to call you an Uber or something? He said no thank you. Jessica said okay. She walked him to the door, opened the door for him and said have a nice night. He left. She closed the door and looked at us. Amber said what the hell was that? Jessica said okay so I'm an Angel. I'm not evil or anything like that. A demon just tried to attack me and hurt me. But I just exorcised it. Cassie said so you're an actual angel. Jessica said yeah, y'all can't tell anybody about this please. Kevin said like anybody will actually believe us. Jessica said well rest assure all of y'all are safe as long as I'm here. Even if I'm not just pray for me to come and I'll be here in 2 seconds. Be like Jess come save my ass right now. But don't abuse that only do it if you truly need it. I hate using my Angel powers. Sam said we just witnessed an actual exorcism! Tara said that's so fucking cool! Jessica said I'm glad y'all think this is cool. But yeah I'm not dangerous or anything. Kevin said well damn I'm rooting for you and Colby even more now. Jessica said just treat me like a normal person please. Reggie said of course. Jessica said thank you. Well this wasn't my ideal way of telling everyone else I'm an Angel. Amber said who already knew? I said everyone who lives here. Jessica said well imma go change Colby I'll be waiting for you. I said okay. She went upstairs and closed her door. Kat said go get with that angel Colby. I laughed and went to the kitchen. I poured the popcorn in a bucket and grabbed the Dr. Peppers. I went upstairs and laid them by her door. I went to my room and took off my shirt. I change into some pajama pants and walked out. Griffin said Colby! I looked over the railing. He threw me something, I caught it. It was a condom. I said really? Griffin said yeah. I put it in my pocket, picked up the popcorn and drinks. I knocked on her door. She said come in! I walked in and closed the door. She had changed and taken off her makeup. I said you good? She said yeah. I sat the popcorn and drinks on the bed. I said fuckin griffin threw this at me. I pulled the condom out of my pocket. She laughed and said look what I found when I walked in my room. She reached on her side of the bed and pulled out a box of condoms. I laughed and said they're dead set on us getting laid. Jessica said at least they want us to be safe. I laughed and said yeah. I got under the blanket. She said what would you like to watch? I said do you like scary movies? She smiled and said I love them. I said oh bet. I turned on insidious: the red door. She said I haven't seen this before. I said even better. I turned the lights off and we started watching the movie. She moved closer to me. I put my arm around her.

15 minutes later
I looked down at her, she looked up at me and kissed me. We started making out. She got on top of me. I took off her shirt and kissed her neck. I rolled over on top of her. She pulled down my pants and underwear. I kissed down her body and pulled down her shorts and thong. We had sex....

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