Moving Up

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I walked in the arena. I just got called up to the main roster. I wasn't well liked down in NXT. I don't know why though. I wasn't mean or rude to anybody. I hope it's not like that up here. I walked in the arena. People gave me dirty looks. I said ugh here we go. I went to Stephanie's office. I walked in. She was talking to Becky. I said hi. Becky rolled her eyes. I said should I come back later? Stephanie said no stay this involves you. I said okay. Stephanie said tonight you're gonna debut against Beck and get a chance to earn a title opportunity on your first night. I said okay cool. Becky said this isn't fair. Stephanie said I'm sorry Becky if you have a problem take it up with WWE creative. They enforced this not me. Becky said you're not taking my title opportunity. I said good luck. Becky walked out. I said please tell me not everyone in this company is a bitter bitch? Stephanie said not everyone. I said alright good. Stephanie said what happened in NXT? I said I have no idea nobody will tell me what the hell I did. Stephanie said well up here I have no tolerance for bullying. I said thank god. Stephanie said okay now we need to edit your appearance. I said how? Stephanie said new gear. Go find Sarath and talk to him about new ring gear. I said okay bye Steph. I went to the locker room....

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