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We were all still downstairs talking. Jake laughed and said everyone quiet. We could hear Jessica and Colby having sex. Amber said goddamn. That didn't take long. I laughed and said fucking finally Colby's getting laid. Griffin said at least it's with an Angel. I still can't believe she's an actual Angel. Corey said y'all were here when Amanda told us about her. Kevin said yeah but we didn't believe her. But it's nice to know there's a protector around. Especially with all the paranormal spooky shit y'all do. I said I know. I'm just glad Colby's found a good girl. I really hope they work out though. They'd be so cute together. Amber said I love the opposite aesthetic couples and they're literally opposite aesthetic. I said I want him to be happy finally he definitely deserves it.

Next day
I was in the kitchen eating breakfast with Corey, Jake, Tara, Reggie and Kat. Colby walked in and said good morning. Jake said have fun last night? I said yeah. Corey said y'all weren't exactly quiet. Colby said oh god. Kat said yeah heard that a few times. Didn't take long for all that to start did it. Colby laughed. I said y'all gonna go out again? Colby said possibly. I wanna take her with us tomorrow to go ghost hunting. Jake said yeah take the Angel for protection. I said alright if she's down. Maybe we'll get some crazy shit since she's gonna be there. Jessica said good morning. She had on work out gear, her hair up and an AirPod in. She rubbed Colby's back and kissed his shoulder. Jake said sounds like y'all had a great night. Jessica looked at Colby. Colby said they heard us having sex. Jessica said oh okay. She went to the coffee pot. She started humming and dancing along to whatever she was listening to. Reggie high fived Colby and mouthed nice. She made a cup of coffee. A guy appeared behind her. I said holy shit! Jessica turned around and said Castiel go away. Castiel looked at us and said hello. Colby said uhh hi. Castiel said Jessica I need your help. Jessica said with what? Castiel said Balthazar's dying. Jessica said oh yay! Let me know when he dies I'll go pop a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Castiel said Jessica he's your brother. Jessica said yeah, the same person who convinced father to exile me from heaven, told me to never come back or else I'd be stripped of my grace and sent to hell. He sent demons and hell hounds after me. Also he tried to kill me with a fucking Angel blade at least 5 times. So Balthazar can die for all I care. Castiel said you were exiled because you disobeyed father! Jessica said I didn't do a damn thing and you know that! If wanting to be normal counts as being disobedient. Then yeah I disobeyed him by wanting to be human! I didn't wanna be his fucking servant my whole life! So tell Balthazar I said kiss my ass and karmas finally coming back around. Castiel said you'll realize humanity is for you. You'll never find someone who truly loves you Jessica. Jessica looked upset. Castiel said if you've wondered why you keep getting cheated on look in the mirror and-. Jessica said get out! Castiel said you'll eventually realize this isn't what you want and you'll regret letting your brother die. Jessica said go away!
Castiel said you're better than this Jessica. Jessica rolled her eyes and said I don't help people who tried to kill me on multiple occasions and had me labeled the family fuck up. Castiel said Jessica. Jessica said fucking leave Castiel! How many times do I have to tell you to get the fuck out! Castiel disappeared. Kat said your brother's a dick. Jessica said tell me about it. My other siblings are exactly like him. Do you ever just wanna strangle your siblings for the dumb shit they ask you? I said all the time. Reggie and Jake looked at each other and said yes. Colby said who was that guy? Jessica said my annoying little brother Castiel aka the golden child. Kat said so why were you exiled exactly? Jessica said I wanted to live the human life. So I came down here and started a life for myself. My family wasn't to fond that I did that. Because I got a gymnastics career and was dating Matt at the time. So Balthazar snitched on me to my father saying that I'm trying to be human and am disobeying his order. Because I'm supposed to be serving him and do whatever he says. I'm not gonna be someone's bitch my whole life. Anyways Balthazar snitched and father exiled me for literally wanting to be a person. None of my other siblings have made a life for themselves they've never been in love, had a legitimate job or no human living experience whatsoever. So up in heaven and in hell I'm known as the family fuck up. They act as if I've killed people. I've never killed anyone I've literally exorcised demons that tried to attack them at on point but no let's hate me because I want to be normal. I don't even hardly ever use my powers. Sorry I had to rant about my family for a moment. They just piss me off. Be lucky y'all aren't related to angels it sucks. Reggie said turn around for a second. Jessica said turned around and said what? Reggie said what's that tattoo on your neck? Jessica said I'm actually gonna go to the gym. See y'all later. She left. Sam said what was that about. Colby laughed and said she had the Xplr logo tattooed on the back of her neck. Corey said oh that's amazing. Reggie  laughed and said that's what I thought it was. I went upstairs to my room and started editing....

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