Really dude

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I walked out of Stephanie's office. I was so pissed off over this whole storyline thing with Tiffany and Damian. Dom and Damian said Rhea! Damian said Rhea! I turned around and said what the hell priest?! You just agreed to leaving us for her. She's not even into you! Finn said yeah man, you're ditching the best storyline you'll ever get for a girl who's not even gonna look your way. Damian said for starters I've been wanting to ditch judgement day for a hot minute now and go solo and second this will be a good storyline I'm turning on Rhea for her worst enemy. I said you're really gonna regret this priest! Damian said I'll be perfectly fine Rhea. Dom said we get you're into her but bro you really agreed to just leave judgement day for a hot girl who's not even into you. Damian said like I said I'll be fine. I appreciate my time working with y'all but I wanna branch out from judgement day. Tiffany walked passed us on the phone. I said Tiffany! Tiffany walked over.

Tiffany: yeah I'm definitely down for that

Tiffany: imma get off here

Tiffany: bye

Hung up
Tiffany said sorry about that, what's up? I said are you just agreeing to this storyline to piss me off. Tiffany said no, I think it'll be fun to see Damian and I as an on screen couple. Especially since we look so much alike aesthetically. Damian laughed. Finn said this storylines gonna crash and burn. Damian said this is about to be fun though. Tiffany said I know right. I can't wait to see the memes. Damian laughed and said not the memes. Tiffany said you can't tell me those memes aren't gonna be great. I said well storylines like this usually don't work out. Tiffany said you realize you're in the same exact storyline with Dom? Y'all just haven't kissed on screen. But y'all are "together" so get your shit together before you come for Damian and I's storyline. We're gonna kill this shit. She high fived Damian and said well I'm gonna go get dressed. I have to be on commentary toodles. She walked away. We looked at Damian annoyed. Damian said what? I said I can't. I walked away....

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