Moving in

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I pulled up to the trap house. Colby gave me the gate combination. I pulled in and went to the door. I knocked on it. Corey opened the door and said no fucking way. I smiled and said hi I'm Jessica Woynilko I'm here to check out your vacant room. I talked to Colby about it Sunday at wrestlemania. Corey was in shock. I said hello. Corey said sorry, come in. I walked in and said thank you. Corey said Colby get your ass downstairs right now! I laughed. Colby walked down and said what'd I do? Oh hi Jessica! Corey said why didn't you tell me Tiffany Stratton was coming over. I smiled. Colby said I forgot to tell you. But the rooms over here Jessica. He put his hand on my back and led me to a room upstairs. Colby said you'll be right beside mine. Sam walked out of his room and said hi Jessica. I said hi. Colby opened the door. I said this is a very nice room. Definitely bigger than Tom and I's old room. How much is it per month? Colby said $100 and then we split utilities down the middle. I said okay bet. I flipped on the bed and said this is so comfortable. Colby laid beside me and no wonder Aaron never left his bed. I said when's the soonest I could move in? Colby said today if you want. I said oh bet. I have all my stuff in a storage unit down the road. Colby said I can help you move in if you want? I said I'd love that. Colby said alright I'll follow you to the unit. We walked out of the room. Sam said where you going? I said I'm your new roommate. Colby said so we're gonna go get her stuff from a storage unit. Sam said would you like some help? I said I actually don't have that much shit surprisingly. Colby said we shall be back. We left and went to the storage unit down the road. I opened it. Colby said you really don't own much do you? I said no, most of the stuff that was in Tom's house was Tom's. He never let me decorate or anything. So all I have is basically my clothes. Colby said well welcome to the trap house you have freedom. I said thank god. We started loading my clothes up into our cars and went back to the trap house.

2 hours later
We finished unpacking everything. Sam walked in and said Friday night everyone's gonna be coming over for pizza night. I said who's everyone? Colby said our friend group. Sam said they're gonna flip out. They always come over on Mondays and Fridays to watch WWE. I said do any of them know I'm here? Colby said not that I know of. I said oh bet, I have an idea. Sam said what? I said I'm gonna surprise everybody. Is everyone who lives here gonna be home tomorrow? Sam said yeah, why? I said well before I legitimately live here I have to tell everyone who lives here something about myself. It's kinda what broke Tom and I up. Sam said you're not a killer are you? I laughed and said no the opposite actually. Colby said yeah Jake will be here in the morning. I said okay great. Colby said I'm kinda curious as to what this giant announcement is. I said it's not bad. Y'all will actually think it's cool hopefully. Colby said okay bet. Sam said well I'm gonna go to the gym. I said okay be safe. Sam said I will. He left....

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