Matt Rife

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Me, Jake, Sam, Ari, Griffin and Kevin were all downstairs. Griffin said so Colby, when are you gonna make a move on Jessica? Ari said yeah man. I said I'm fucking nervous okay. She's insanely pretty and I don't know if she's into me like that. Sam said bro, believe me she's into you. I said I don't know. Jessica walked downstairs in a bikini and said does anyone have a speaker I can borrow. Imma go lay outside and tan and I wanna listen to music. Sam said there should be one over there under the coffee table. Jessica said thank you. She walked over to the table and bent down. We were all checking her out. Jessica said I don't see it under here. Sam said it's a white speaker. Jessica said never mind I'm blind. She stood up and said thank you. I shall be outside if anyone wants to join me. Corey walked in and said guys I brought a friend over. Jessica said who? Matt Rife walked in. Jessica looked annoyed when he walked in. Kevin said goddamn! That look. Matt said you live with her? Jessica said I'm going outside. Matt said hey Jess. Jessica said it's Tiffany jackass. Now leave me the hell alone. Matt said come on Tiff can we talk? Jessica said I don't wanna talk to you. Everything that comes out of your mouth is a damn lie and I'm not listening to it. Matt said I'm sorry Tiffany. She walked outside and flipped him off over her shoulder. I said what the hell happened between you and her? Matt said yeah, her and I kinda dated for 6 months. Ari said oof what happened? Matt said I cheated on her while she off doing her gymnastics thing for team USA. Kevin said why the hell would you cheat on that? Like look at her. Matt said I was a dumbass. I said that's an understatement. Matt said yeah, I regret cheating her. Because she's such a nice person and she didn't deserve that. Plus she's so fucking hot. I heard meat and greet by ice nine kills coming from outside. Sam said oh shit, is that ice nine kills? Jake said she's a secret emo. I said I like her even more. Matt said but yeah she hates me. Sam said she's part of the cancel Matt Rife club. Matt said I wouldn't be surprised if she started it. Jessica walked inside. Jake said what'd you forget? Jessica said I want a mixed drink and my charger. I said you listening to ice nine kills out there? Jessica said yes I am. Y'all got a blender. Jake said top cabinet above the sink. She turned around. Kevin mouthed goddamn. Matt said what you making? Jessica ignored him. Matt said hello, I'm speaking to you. Jessica said and I'm ignoring you. I looked at Ari and said I love her. Matt said I'm trying to be civil with you. Jessica put ice in the blender and started putting liquor in the blender. Matt said and you're just being a total bitch. Sam and I said woah! Jessica said I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch. Griffin said she's about to snap. Jessica said I did fuck around with 8 other men when we were together, I didn't get black out drunk and verbally and physically abuse you! But I'm the bitch! Matt said I apologized for-! She started the blender and said I can't hear you?! Matt was pissed off. The blender stopped. She poured it in a cup and said I left your toxic ass in 2021! She flipped him off and said so fuck you and you can suck my middle fucking finger you egotistical man whore! She grabbed a straw and walked back outside. Matt said man fuck that bitch. I said get the hell out! Matt said excuse me. I stood up and said last time I checked you don't pay rent, you don't live here. So don't come up in here and be a total bitch to someone who actually lives here. Now you can take that disrespectful attitude and C- stand up comedy and get the hell out. Matt said whatever.
I'm never coming back here. I
said good I don't want someone who mistreats and disrespects women in the house. Matt said Corey come to my house next time. I don't wanna be around her or him. He left. Jake said bro you went in on him. I said well I want Jessica to be comfortable here and I'm not gonna let some rando walk in here and disrespect her like that. Corey said I didn't know they had history. I wouldn't have brought him over if I knew. Griffin said I'm not surprised she looks like his type. Corey went to the door and knocked on it. Jessica walked in and said yeah? Corey said hey, I'm very sorry if I knew you and Matt had a past I wouldn't have brought him over. Jessica said it's okay. I do apologize for my temper by the way. He just pisses me off on a whole other level. So I do apologize. Corey said dude it's totally understandable. Jessica said yeah he sucks. Imma go back outside now. Corey said hey, he won't be over here anymore. Jessica smiled and said thank you. Corey said you're welcome. She walked back outside. I said I'm going outside. Sam said go make a move on her. I laughed and said shut up. Kevin said you can do it man. Go flirt with her. I walked outside....

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