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I was in the ring staring at Indi. The  bell rang. I ran and drop kicked her. I got on top and started punching her. I pulled her up, took her to the turnbuckle and banged her head on it repeatedly. I slammed her on the mat head first. I kicked her hard in the ribs. I pulled her up, threw her against the ropes and super kicked her. She was barley moving. I picked her up, did a rolling fireman's carry, went to the turnbuckle and did the prettiest moonsault ever. I pinned her 1...2...3. The ref gave me the title. I motioned for a microphone. I said hey Rhea you seen what I did to Shayna and Indi and if you can't tell I've had a very bad week. You better be praying every night that I don't hospitalize you. See you Sunday. I went to the back....

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