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Next day

I walked downstairs. Jake saw me and said woah! What the hell are you doing here?! I said I live here now. Hi I'm Jessica. Jake said you live here? Like you took Aaron's old room? I said yeah. Jake said why didn't anyone tell me? Corey walked through and said sup Jess. Jake said thanks for telling me Corey. Corey said I didn't know until I opened the door yesterday and saw her. Jake said Sam! Colby! Downstairs now! I said oh perfect, I need to talk to everybody anyways. Corey said that's scary. Sam and Colby walked downstairs. Sam said what's up? Jake said family meeting. Colby said Jessica has something to tell us anyways. I said yes, everyone have a seat. They all sat down on the couch. Jake said why didn't y'all tell me Tiffany Stratton moved I ? Colby said we wanted to surprise you. Jake said I wasn't expecting to see her while I'm eating a pop tart. Sam said so Jess what's this announcement? I closed the curtains. Jake said are you killing us or something? I said no, but I know you're not gonna believe me so I need these closed so I can show proof. Colby said I like where this is going. I laughed and took a deep breath. I said okay, I'm an Angel. Corey said what? I said I'm an Angel. I showed them my wings. Sam said oh, we already knew. I said how the fuck did y'all know? Jake said Amanda came over and watched an episode of NXT and said you were an angel. So we already knew that. I said well that was very anticlimactic. Corey laughed and said you'll definitely come in handy around here. Sam said so can you heal people? I said yeah, I healed Ric Flair to full health at mania. Colby said you did that? I said yeah. Sam said and they still wanna call you evil incarnate. Are you ever gonna tell them that? I said hell no! I don't want them thinking I'm nice. Colby said I wanna see something though. He grabbed a knife out of the drawer and cut his hand. I covered his hand with mine and let go. Colby's hand was fully healed. Jake said holy shit! That's so sick! I said I know, I love healing people. It makes me feel like I'm doing good. Colby said next time we go to an insanely haunted place you have to come. I said I'd love to. Sam said we actually have god on our side. I said yeah, god and I aren't in good terms. Corey said why not? I said I left heaven because of how my siblings treated me. I was the black sheep. I always wanted to leave heaven and live a human life. So Balthazar and I got in a fight one day and after he tried to kill me with an Angel blade. After that I took the hint that I wasn't welcome there and I left. I'm not gonna stay somewhere where I'm not wanted. My father wanted to exile me to hell after I told him I wanted a normal life but mom didn't let him. Corey said I can't believe what I'm hearing. I said well believe it. But y'all aren't in any sort of danger. Jake said duh, you're an Angel. I said you'll always be safe as long as I'm around. I looked at Colby and said I actually saved your life. Sam said were you there for his cancer treatment? I said yes I was. Colby said are you serious? I said yeah. I was standing in the corner the whole time watching over the whole surgery to make sure it went okay. Colby teared up, hugged me and said thank you. I said you're welcome. He let me go. Corey said so can you see ghosts? I said no I cannot. I am able to protect you from them though. Ghosts don't like me. They can sense my energy and they know if they fuck with me or whoever I'm protecting I can destroy them. Sam said oh bet, you're definitely coming. I said I do have one request. Sam said which is? I said when I go with y'all on camera call me Tiffany, Tiff or Tiffy. I don't like my real name to be used on camera to the public. Also you can't say I'm an angel. Colby said don't worry about that. We weren't gonna say anything. I said okay, so are y'all still okay with me living here. Jake said you literally saved Colby's life of course. I smiled and said awesome. Jake said just know we're in the middle of a prank war and you'll get sucked in. Sam said oh yeah, you're no longer safe. I said I guess I'll have to start a YouTube channel to join in on this madness. Corey said oh my god please. I said okay. Hey imma go do some shopping for room decor would anyone like to come. Colby said I'll come. I said awesome. Let's take my car. Colby said we shall be back in a bit. I put my shoes on and we left....

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