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I had the day off yesterday. I usually only have 2 days off. So Tom and I don't get to see each other much. I walked in catering. I heard Carmella say what the hell happened to the old Tiffany? I walked over and said fun fact it was all an act. I'm not actually nice and sweet. Bianca said how'd you hear that? I said I'm not deaf. I know I'm a popular topic around here. Since you hated me for no reason before I'm giving everyone a real reason to hate me. My phone rang. It was Cass.

Me: yeah

Cass: we need you're help

Me: whatever it is no

Cass: A friend of Dean's has been hurt and I can't heal her

Me: why not?

Cass: because father took my powers

Me: eww someone was grounded. What'd ya do?

Cass: that's none of your business

Me: well I can't come play doctor right now. I'm at work. Figure out how to fix that problem yourself.

Hung up
Bianca said you really are a bitch aren't you? I said yep and I take pride in the fact that I am. I smiled. Carmella said with that attitude you're gonna die alone. I laughed and said do you honest think that hurts me? Say whatever you have to to make yourself feel better. You're the one whose gonna die alone. Just wait til Corey sees what he's married. Alexa said back off. I said Alexa Bliss getting married after one year of knowing each other. That's actually pathetic. Are you really that desperate for love? You and Ryan won't last. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and we're not engaged. Alexa said what idiot would be stupid enough to fall for you? I said I could say the same about you. I think Ryan needs a mental check. After all he did propose to you. Alexa looked hurt. I said awe did I hurt your feelings. That's pathetic. Logan said Tiffany! I said here we go. The thing who failed at YouTube videos and turned to WWE. Did little brother hurt your ego so bad or something that you had to come here. Where literally nobody wants you around. None of us respect you Logan. Anybody wanna say anything else to me. Because I have a lot to say. Nobody said anything. I said that's what I thought. I walked outside. I had a weird feeling. Someone banged my head hard on the brick wall and stabbed me in leg. I screamed. I turned around. It was a guy, I grabbed him and put him in a chokehold until he passed out. The wound on my leg healed. I walked back inside....

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