Chapter 3: Explanation

Start from the beginning

Lincoln: What a great way to start a meeting if you ask me.

Moxxie: *slam his hand on the table* Sir, what kind of meeting is this? 

Millie: Yeah... what's going on here?

Loona: *still speechless*

Blitzo: Yeah, you hear that right. I found this piece of shit with Loony Toony snuggling on his chest on the sofa but he denied it so I suggest this meeting to know whether he's telling the truth or not.

Moxxie: That's all! You decides to call of us and make a meeting about whether Lincoln touch your daughter or not? Are you that insane?

Blitzo: Don't patronize me, Moxxie. What would you do if some fucker fuck your daughter in front of you?

Moxxie: Well... Umm...

Blitzo: *point his finger at Moxxie* Hah! You also have the same thought as I am.

Lincoln: But do tell... did I really touch her or not?

Blitzo: *look at Lincoln* What the fuck you meant by that?

Lincoln: You woke up this morning to take a bath only to found out me and Loona snuggling on the sofa and fully clothed as well. In what universe do you think I'm touching Loona while still on my clothes?

Millie: I agree with Lincoln in this. Boss, did you really think Lincoln would fuck her on his first day?

Moxxie: I agree with Millie. This is also his first time meeting with Loona. Do you really think Loona would have her way on Lincoln who she just met?

Blitzo: This is Hell we're talking about so do you really think I've trust any demon in this shitty place?

Lincoln: If you don't trust any demon, then why would you stalk these two every chance you get? *point at Moxxie and Millie*

Blitzo: How...

Lincoln: Moxxie told me. He told me everything about your stalking about their life especially when you filming them outside of their house in not so secret.

Blitzo: So what? I can do everything I want since they are my employee.

Lincoln: *smirk* Isn't what you saying right now is the same action you took this morning?

Blitzo: What...

Lincoln: You stalk those two couple for your entertainment but if that happened to your household... you pissed as fuck. So tell me... aren't your acting the same way as those two are?

Blitzo wants to say something but he starts to think and begin to realizes what Lincoln said is true. His action this morning is the same as Moxxie and Millie would feel when they caught him stalking him.

Lincoln: *still smirking* You finally realizes it, don't you? Is it annoying? Is it disturbing? *point at Moxxie* That's what he always feels everytime you stalk him in his household. Tell me... am I right or not?

Blitzo couldn't say anything as sweat begin to come out from his forehead showing his nervousness so he only do one thing which is nodding his head. All of the demon except Lincoln surprised by his action knowing how hot-headed their boss is. Knowing how a single sentence can turn a demon into that is impressive especially to someone who you just met.

Moxxie: I must say, Lincoln. You are good at negotiating with that mouth of yours.

Lincoln: They don't call me "Man with the Plan" for nothing. I can easily elaborating plans with a specific objective in any subject. 

Moxxie: You and me gonna have a good time in this place.

Lincoln: You can say that again, partner. *turn serious* Issue aside, how about we start this meeting with an introduction? Nice to meet you all. My name is Lincoln. I'm 19 years old this year and my likes are playing games, making plan and magic. So, how about you guys?

Moxxie: How about I start first? My name is Moxxie, as you know. I'm 26 years old and my likes are cooking, culinary arts and listening to classical music and opera music.

Millie: *raise her hand* My turn! The name's Millie. I'm 26 years old and my likes are murder, spending time with my Mox and Loo Loo Land.

Lincoln: *look at Blitzo and Loona* How about you two? We already introduce ourselves.

Blitzo: *grunt* Fine. The name Blitzo. The o is silent by the way. I'm 38 years old and I like horse, murder and babying my Loony Toony. Happy?

Lincoln: *nod in approval* Very. Loona, how about you?

Loona: *shake away her nervousness* The name Loona. I'm 21 and I like drinking, smoking and sleeping.

Lincoln: Wow... so that means I'm the youngest demon in here who also the rookie in this job as well. Now that's what I call a bonus. With that done, how about we end this meeting and do our job? Since I'm a rookie, I need guidance around the office and how you guys works as well.

Moxxie: I can handle that. I can do that for you.

Lincoln: Thanks, Moxxie. Meeting adjourned.

Everyone but Loona leaves the meeting room until Blitzo notices Loona didn't move from her seat.

Blitzo: Sweetie, is there something bothering you?

Loona: *shake her head* Nothing. I'm just thinking, that's all.

Loona then leave the meeting room and head towards her room before she crash onto her bed thinking about what happened in the meeting room.

Loona: Did I... How the hell did I end up on Lincoln's chest in all places? Fuck, I can't remember anything at all last night. I didn't even realizes that I'm sleeping on someone else chest.

Loona blush a bit thinking about Lincoln's chest. Even though she asleep and drunk, she still remember the sensation of his body.

Loona: I gotta admit... his chest is comfortable to snuggle. *realizes* LOONA, STOP WHATEVER YOU THINKING ABOUT!

Oh no, it seems our dear Loona has fallen for our hound boy. What will the future hold for our hellhound? Stay tuned for more! This is Ant1z0Ne. Peace out.

The Hellhound, Lincoln Loud (Helluva Boss AU)Where stories live. Discover now