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Actor Giyuu x Bodyguard Sanemi

Modern au


"And cut!" The loud voice of the director boomed in the studio. "The rain scene is next, Giyuu, go change." He demanded, dismissing all actors from set and into their dressing rooms.

Giyuu was the best. He starred in the best movies and collaborated with popular brands, his fame shooting through the roof. Everyone knew him. One person was lucky enough to even date him. Sanemi Shinazugawa.

Sanemi was Giyuu's boyfriend and bodyguard. After noticing Giyuu coming home in exhaustion he felt bad, his fans must've been giving him trouble. So, he became his bodyguard. He fit the part too. His muscles defined from going to the gym consistently and the fact that he took fighting lessons as a kid just made him perfect.

Sanemi followed Giyuu into his dressing room. Sanemi always noticed Giyuu looked stressed whenever he changed and did his makeup. He would mutter something along the lines of:

"I have to be perfect."

Sanemi frowned every time. Why would Giyuu have to be perfect? He was supposed to have fun doing his job too.

"Giyuu?" Sanemi put a rough hand on the famous man's shoulder. "What's wrong?" He looked at Giyuu's face in the mirror, watching as his face shifted from panic to a fake smile. "Nothings wrong, love, I just need to get ready." Sanemi frowned, his grip on his shoulder tightening. "Don't lie to me. I can see the signs, I'm not a fvcking dumb@ss." He growled. "Can we not talk about this now..?" Giyuu's voice was slightly quieter, full of nervousness. "I need to get on set." Sanemi's eyes narrowed at the words but he let it go anyway. "Alright then, we'll talk after your shift."

Giyuu finished his makeup and asked Sanemi what he thought about it. "It looks nice."
"Is it perfect?" Giyuu asked, a shine in his eyes. "Yeah. Perfect." Sanemi never liked using that word to describe anything of Giyuu. He knew about Giyuu's obsession over perfection.

I took a deep breath as he stepped on set, joining his fellow actor.

(Timeskip bc lazy)

Giyuu, completely drenched and exhausted stepped into his dressing room. Sanemi was about to bring up the topic from before but decided to talk about it back in the car when Giyuu was comfortable and warm. "You did great, Giyuu." Sanemi praised, drying his boyfriend's inky hair. "Was I perfect?" Sanemi paused, thinking of a way to answer. "That's what I want to talk to you about, let's talk about it in the car, okay?"

Sanemi took Giyuu's hands in his. "Tell me what's wrong." He said, expecting an honest answer. "Nothings wrong."
"Don't you dare lie to me Giyuu." Sanemi growled sternly, tightening his grip around when he tried to pull away. "Tell me what's wrong or I will make you tell me." Sanemi always threatened to use violence, he never did. "Is this about being fvcking perfect? Do you feel the need to act perfect and fine all the time?" Sanemi spat, letting go of Giyuu's hands when he pulled hard enough.

"So what if it is? It doesn't hurt anyone." Giyuu crossed his arms. "It hurts me, Giyuu. You can't even show your real self around me because you're always caring about what others think of you!"

"So what if I do! What if I care what others think of me more than anything else! Nothing else is important!" Giyuu yelled, a rare sight even to Sanemi.

"Fvck do you mean nothing is important?!" Sanemi raised his voice.

"No one likes anyone for being their true self, do you want to know why?!"
Giyuu screamed. "It's because no one cares who you are on the inside! They only care about fame and popularity! They like what they see on the outside!" Giyuu's voice broke but he tried to keep his composure.

"That's not healthy, Giyuu. Stop caring
about what others think."

"Do you think it's easy?! I was bullied in highschool for being quiet and no one liked me! Did you see how they all changed when I became famous?!" Giyuu's eyes well up with tears.

Sanemi's heart broke at seeing his beloved like this. "Giyuu..." he brushed Giyuu's bangs out of his face. Giyuu was crying, Sanemi had never meant to make him cry. "I'm so sorry you've been feeling like this the whole time..." he pulled Giyuu close into his chest, stroking and patting the back of his head. "If I could I'd do anything to prevent you from feeling this way, if you tell me..." Giyuu's sobs subsided and he hiccuped over Sanemi's shoulder. Sanemi soothed Giyuu by whispering words of reassurance into Giyuu's ear. "You don't need to pretend anymore, my love. Being perfect isn't possible."

"Stop acting."


800 words

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