Chapter 41 night swim

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3rd pov

The pogue gang was celebrating their victory. Even though they only got one piece, it was still something. They are more closer now then they were a few days ago. Which they should celebrate.

JJ was passed out from all the smoking and drinking at John B's room. Pope was on the couch simply laying there with his eyes closed. John B were in the garden with his brother and the two only girls in the group.

''so, Sarah what is your intention with my idiot brother'', said a drunk John B. Sarah looked at him and shrugged. ''I don't know to be honest. All I know is that I enjoy his company and I like him''. John B looked at his brother who was a little far of reach, talking with Kie.

He was smiling and laughing with the Carrera girl. Sarah looked at where the youngest Routledge brother had his eyes on.

She saw RJ and Kie speaking.

''do you love him?''. She turned instantly around as the words had come out from John B's mouth. ''uh, I don't know''. John B hummed as he nodded. ''he can be sometimes too much, but he's still has a good heart at the end. I don't know if he told you, but he isn't the type of person to let someone easy in. Here you are, so you should feel special. Ain't that many girls that could say they tamed him. You're good for him. You make him happy. Even if you don't know what you feel for him, I am certainly sure he does. However, as he is. He hides it deep down and finds it out later. That's just how he does it''.

''what about you?'', the Cameron girl asked with her one brow raised. John B got up from his spot. ''what do you mean?''. ''what do you feel?''. ''about you?''. The girl shrugged. ''I guess''. ''why are you asking?''. ''because you're RJ's brother''. ''what does that have to do with this?''. Sarah got up from her position on the ground to standing. ''well, I would like to know what the brother of my boyfriend thinks of me? Do he think I'm good for his brother or am I not? Do he like me or not?''. John B looked at the girl confused. ''is that relevant?''. ''I mean kind of. I don't care that much, but I would like to know what you think of me. I know how Kie thinks of me or used to. JJ and Pope are like more chill, so?''.

RJ and Kie walked up to the two with a smile on their face. ''what's upppppp?''. All eyes were now on RJ. Kie rolled her eyes. ''yeah he's high and drunk''. RJ ignored Kie and went over to his girlfriend. ''well, hello there beautiful. Have we met? Cause you look like my very hot girlfriend''. Sarah giggled at the boy. ''you should lay off the weed and booze for a few days brother''. ''maybe or maybe not, but what were you two talking about? Not trying to steal my girl. Cause if I may have to knock some senses into you little brother''.

Sarah looked at John B. John B chuckled. ''no, you can relax. You're hot girlfriend jusk asked me what I think of her''. ''oooo, what do you think of her then?'', RJ questioned as he laid his arm around Sarah. ''I mean she's cool. She got us into the archives and she got her father to get dcs of our back. She makes you happy, so guess I can say I like her and that she is good for you''. Sarah smiled at him. ''see wasn't that hard?''. ''no, guess not''.

RJ looked at the ocean. His eyes widened and his mouth formed into a smirk. ''boys and girls. We should skinny dip''. ''dude what? No I am not skinny dipping''. RJ pouted. ''no, come on JB it'll be fun''.

RJ began to strip his clothes off. ''RJ'', Kie groaned. He didn't stop.

He was now half naked, all he had on was his boxers.

They just looked at him with no amusement. ''RJ we are not skinny dipping. Get your clothes back on''. RJ ignored his brother and yelled out for his two other best friends. ''Pope, JJ get your asses out here. We're going to skinny dip''.

It didn't go one minute before JJ came running out. RJ nodded approving at the boy. ''damn, under two minutes bro''. ''you said skinny dipping. Ain't no way I'm missing that, even though I'm high as fuck''.

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