Chapter 6 compass

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3rd pov

''this is your dad's?'', Pope asked the two Routledge's boys. John B band RJ looked at each other. ''yeah it is'', John B answered. ''what does that mean?'', JJ asked. ''we don't know JJ'', RJ said.

''it must be a sign''. ''what?'', JJ asked John B. John B ignored the boy and looked at his brother. ''it must mean something'', RJ answered. ''me and RJ was told he was lost at sea. But we knew he would be the last guy who ever would get lost in the sea. For about nine months ago he disappeared. For six months they said he wasn't alive. They said we were in denial. This coming back to us is a sign. There is hope. He is still alive and we have to find him RJ''.

RJ looked at his brother. Thinking the same thing as JB, but he was afraid if they really were wrong. What if they father left them for searching for the gold, what if he is not alive and they others are in fact right. Well, there is one thing to do and that was to get to the bottom of this.

''you're right RJ. This means something and we gotta find it out''. ''wait you guys are serious?'', Kie asked the boys. RJ looked at the girl. ''we are. So, if none of you want nothing to do with this we respect it. But me and JB, we have to. We have to at least try to figure what happened''. Everyone went quiet.

''I am so in with you guys, you know it'', JJ said nodding towards the Routledge's brother's.

''I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess I'll help as I can'', Pope said.

Everyone looked at the girl in the group. She sighed. ''I will because someone needs to keep you guys in control somehow''. ''that's settled then'', JJ said as he went outside.

He came in after a minute and had a casket in his hand. He was smiling. ''now let's get drunk and have fun''. Everyone sighed at the boy but took one beer which he had in his casket.


The next day.

RJ woke up before JJ and John B. He didn't have as much to drink as the others, so he was more sober. He went out and into the boat.

He drove to the Cameron estate.

He went into the druthers and took the scuba with him. It was like six o'clock in the morning, so he didn't see much.

He took the gear and tried to be quiet as possible.

When he found the place to them he heard something. ''Wheezie, just shut up''. He once again heard the voice of Sarah Cameron.

He looked to see her, but this time she was already awake. ''you're not Wheezie''. ''no, I'm not. I'm RJ, but you already knew that''. Sarah sighed. ''what are you doing here again. To steal something again, like three o'clock in the morning?''. ''actually it's six o'clock, and no. I'm here to return the scuba gears and I didn't steal I loaned. I can ask you the same question?''.

Sarah scoffed at the boy. ''it's my boat''. ''right'', he muttered under his breath. ''also this boat has air condition and it's much more refreshing''. ''yeah. I guess you're hot''. RJ widened his eyes at what he just said. Sarah was smirking. ''did you say you guess I'm hot?''.

He looked at her. ''yeah, I-I mean it's hot. Like hot out here. Like outer banks. Wait no I mean I don't think you're not hot. I'm just saying...'', he got cut off.

''so, you say I'm not hot, then I am again?''. RJ was now scoffing at the girl. ''you're enjoying this too much. Was it the payback for the sex dream about me?''. The Cameron girl rolled her eyes at him. ''it wasn't like that''. ''we both know it was Sarah, and it's okay. I know it must have been enjoyable''.

She ignored his comment. ''did you top the tanks. Like you said?''.

''yeah no I couldn't as the power was not working, so'', he answered her.

''you're telling me you didn't do it. They are empty and you sneak out here like six o'clock to just give them back with nothing?''. ''when you put it that way''. ''I'll make sure to get the message back to ward, my father''. ''okay, cool yeah I guess''. ''yeah, bye RJ'', Sarah said to the boy.

He began to walk out of the boat but stopped in his track. He looked back at the girl, she was already looking at him. ''what are you going to tell your dad exactly?'', he said. ''oh, nothing really. Just that you and your brother took our gear and used it for your fun'', she said smiling at him.

The boy sighed. ''listen we borrowed it for some time that's it. Then I came back with it, no harm was done''. ''yeah, without air in it''. ''I'm asking you Sarah not to tell him. He may fire me and JB and we both need this job. This job gives us food on the table''.

''what are you gonna do if I tell? Get JJ to pull a gun on me like he did Topper?''. ''for my defence I didn't know he would do that. He was just trying to protect me from getting drowned by your boyfriend''.

She scoffed. ''maybe you should think of getting better friends''. Now he scoffed. ''you know what maybe you should get a better boyfriend which who is not drowning others''. She stood now up and walked to where RJ stood.

They were face to face now. RJ began to speak. ''please just don't tell him'', he pleaded to her. ''I wasn't going to tell him either way. Your secret is safe, don't worry Row Row'', she said.

Both of them didn't move. They stood like that for some seconds. ''well, I better go'', RJ was the first one to say. ''yeah, you should. Bye RJ''. ''bye princess''. With that the boy hopped back on his boat and drove back home.


When he came back home. He noticed JJ was not there anymore, but JB was and he was still asleep in his own room. He went back to his room and laid down in bed.

He was thinking about what it all meant, his dad's compass, those guys who followed the on the boat, the motel room and Scotter Grubbs. If it was something his dad learned him. It was that not everything happens by coincidence.

He let the thought go and went back to sleep.

To be continued

The pogue boy and the kook princess Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora