Chapter 35 plan in motion

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RJ's pov

We just arrived at the boat. John B and JJ were there. When they saw us, JJ began to give me thumbs up. John B quickly interrupted him.

''J, Johnny. Is everything good? Pope said you two couldn't get the boat fixed''. John B played with me. ''oh, yeah we can't. Good thing you're here and Sarah. Hey Sarah'', he waved at her. ''hey John B''.

We went on board. ''so, uh what's the problem?''. ''yeah we don't know. We can't figure it out. We think it's in there'', JJ pointed at door that led in a small storage room on the boat. ''you think it's in there?'', I asked.

He nodded. ''yeah uh, but we can't get in there. It's pretty tight. You know we aren't exactly the smallest''. I shook my head at his trying to play dumb. ''what JJ means is that we tried, but we couldn't fit. You wouldn't either RJ. You're more muscular than us''.

What are those two playing at. ''yeah, so good thing you're here Sarah. Maybe you can help?'', JJ asked her. ''dude'', I mouthed at him. ''I have a plan'', he mouthed back. ''uh, sure I guess I could''.

Sarah opened up the door and walked in. ''JJ there are plenty of room in here. You and John B could easily come in here too. Why? Do yo...'', she got cut off by JJ slamming the door at her.

''JJ, what the hell?'', I scoffed. He looked at me. ''what? We needed to. Don't you think Kie would turn, when she'd seen her?''. ''but you didn't need to lock her in there, you doofus''. ''RJ we kinda needed to. I'm not with it, but what other plan did we have? JJ's right. If Kie saw her, she'd turn around and drive right back home''. I looked at both of them with disbelief.

''JJ let me out'', Sarah shouted. ''sorry Sarah, can't do that''. ''RJ, let me out here now''. I gulped. ''I'm sorry, princess''. I could hear her scoff. ''RJ I mean it. Either you let me out here or I'll...'', she didn't get to finish as JJ knocked at the door. ''relax Sarah you won't be in there for a long time''.

I was about to speak some sense into him. I didn't get to far as we heard another boat. We looked to see it was Pope and Kie.

''Sarah it's me John B. Just be quiet for some minutes, then you'll be let out''. I heard she huffed. ''really?''. ''really'', I said.

''Kie, Pope. We're here'', JJ yelled at them. They saw us.

Kie hopped on the boat. ''what is going on? Pope said that you three needed help to fix his boat''. ''uh, yeah the alterantor's not working anymore'', John B lied to her. ''we don't think it's charged, but we thought we'd get you here to help us'', I helped back up his lie.

She shook her head at us.

3rd pov

''did you idiots check the plugs?'', she asked the three boys. They looked at each other and shook their head at the same time looking at the girl. ''no, you should do that. Smart thinking Kie'', the Maybank boy said.

''yeah give it a whirl, Kiki'', RJ said nervously. She just looked at him surprised. ''you are acting weird RJ and you two are also'', she pointed at them. ''pfft what? We're not weird. We're just JJ, RJ and John B. You know us Kie'', JJ smiled at the girl.

She rolled her eyes at them. ''you're useless, all of you''. ''you may be right about that Kiester'', RJ agreed while motioning to the other two to go on Pope's boat.

Kie was checking out the plugs. ''now boys, when she's occupied we go'', JJ told them.

Kie looks at the plugs and sighed. ''you must be joking me''. She got up and looked at the boys. Who were now trying to get on the other boat. ''go, go now'', JJ yells at the brothers.

''there are no plugs'', she said while she noticed them. ''what the hell are you doing?'', she asked them with her arms crossed.

The three boys didn't answer her. They dove into the water and swam to the pogue boat.

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