Chapter 2 after the storm

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3rd pov

The boys had fun with their friends and went home. JJ crashed at their place as he didn't want to go home to his alcoholic father.


The next morning.

RJ had slept good, consider it was a storm the night before. He woke up from the rooster in his home making sounds.

He stood up, took some pair of clothes and went to the living room. There he saw JJ sleeping on the couch. ''JJ wake up, man''. The boy ignored him. That was when he came up with an idea.

RJ went to find a glass of water and went back to JJ he threw it at the Maybank boy. JJ opened up his eyes and jumped up. ''what the fuck man?'', he said looking at his best friend. ''you didn't wanna wake up'', he said shrugging his shoulders. You could her JJ gritting his teeth.

At that moment John B walked out and saw JJ was wet. ''what happened to you?''. ''your scumbag of a brother''. ''awh love you too JJ'', RJ smirked at the other boy. ''spare it for Sarah'', he answered with a smile. ''fuck you dude'', he answered him.

John B rolled his eyes at them. ''okay enough. The power is out and line. Agatha did some work'', he told them.

''let's go fishing'', John B spoke once again. ''we have work JB'', his brother answered. ''it can wait. Ward will notify us when he needs us. Also, the meeting that was scheduled today with the social worker got pushed back. So, let's celebrate''. RJ sighed. ''does Rowy want to go early to see his beautiful Sarah'', JJ once again teased. ''I will punch you JJ''. He looked back at JB. ''let's go. Ward will send us a notification if he needs us''.

Without any further ado, the three went outside and aboard the boat.


Now they were outside's Pope's father's shop. They saw Pope cleaning on the deck. ''hello there sir, may I interest you with doing something fun than that?'', JJ asked him.

Pope looked up. ''I can't guys. My dad has me on lockdown'', he answered them. ''your dad's an idiot. Now come on'', JJ said gesturing him to come on the boat. RJ slapped his friend's head.

''Pope don't listen to that doofus, but you should come''. That's when Heyward came. ''I heard you JJ'', he said with a stern gaze on JJ.

RJ took this as an appointee to stall mr Heyward. So, Pope could sneak aboard the boat.

''hey mr Heyward sorry for JJ. He hasn't been taking his meds I think''. At that JJ elbowed RJ in the abondmen. ''didn't know he was on meds?''. ''well, he isn't but I had to say that for you to not notice''.

At that Pope jumped aboard the boat. John B began to drive. ''sorry dad, I'll help tomorrow and do more chores'', Pope yelled to his father. ''Pope, boy you better come back now'', he said but the boys ignored him and kept driving.

They made it towards Kie's dock now.

There they her already as she was holding a cooler. She got in the boat with the boys.

''ooo, Kiester you got any juice there?'', JJ asked referring to alcohol. The girl rolled her eyes at him. ''yes JJ I have''. ''you just made my day better''.

All of them took a drink from it and saluted each other with the drink.

Suddenly something happened which made all of them except JB who was driving fall. JJ flipped into the water, Pope on the edge of the boat, Kie on top of RJ.

''shit are you ok Kie?'', RJ asked the girl in front of him. ''yep I'm alright, you?''. ''yeah'', he answered her.

She stood up and held her hand for him. He smiled and took it.

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