Chapter 24 midsummer

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Sarah's pov

I was just chilling in my room when my father walked in. ''can't you knock?''. I heard him sigh. ''Sarah. Rose told me you didn't want to go. May I ask why?''. I was going to answer when my annoying sister interrupted me. ''my guess it's Topper's fault she doesn't wanna go''. ''Wheezie get out''.

''is that so? What's up with you and Topper, sweetie?''. I cleared my throat. ''oh, I just don't want to deal with him right now''. ''hm, maybe you should break up with him. Is there someone else in your mind, perhaps?''.

Yeah you know him quiet well. He used to work for you until you fired him. Yeah dad, it's RJ.

''uh, no'', I lied. ''okay, but sweetie join us. We need everyone of the Cameron family there. Please for me and then you can do whatever you want afterwards. Even dump Topper''. I sighed. ''yeah I guess''. ''that's my girl'', he said kissing my forehead and went out.

Wheezie was still standing in front of my door. ''I see you Sarah, I see right through you''. ''what are you talking about Wheezie?'', I asked annoyed at her. ''you got a new boy toy to play with, don't you?''. I gulped. ''n-no I don't. Even if I had he wouldn't be my boy toy''. ''hm, alright. My guess it's RJ Routledge'', she said as she was fake kissing.

''why would you think that?''. She stopped and looked at me like I was clueless or something. ''I notice things Sarah. I'm your little sister, I'm not dumb. But, hey your secret's safe with me. I mean Topper's fine, but there is just something about that Routledge boy. Am I right?''.

I threw my pillow at her. ''get out''. She smiled but ''guess I may be right then'', she said as she went away.

I heard my phone pling and looked at it. It was from RJ.

''got a surprise for you later princess. I'll give you a hint. You'll see your Vince''.

I couldn't help but smile as the same time I got butterflies. What is this boy doing to me? I'm really falling for him.

''Sarah you better get ready. It's a couple of hours until we go, and we don't want to wait for you. So, get ready'', I heard Rose yell from downstairs.

''yes I'm going to relax Rose''.


3rd pov

A couple of hours later

RJ gave the clothes for JJ's uniform. ''shift in the back J and hurry'', the boy told him while stepping out of the van.

Pope was already in, so it just reminded JJ. RJ and John B looked at the party being held. ''dude can you believe it. They throw this like every year and still it's this great'', John B scoffed.

''yeah bro. It is'', RJ said agreeing.

As they were talking, JJ came out and was all dressed. ''what's the plan?'' he asked the brothers. RJ scratched his head. He gave JJ a note. ''give this to Sarah. I know what we need, and I think she has it''. JJ smirked and took the note. ''can I read it? Or is it like a love note only for her eyes?'', the Maybank boy said teasingly.

RJ smacked the boy's head. ''no don't read it. It's not for your eyes''. JJ ignored him and read the note. He looked up at his best friend. ''whose Vince?''. ''dude I told you not to read it. Jeez J can't you just listen sometimes?''.

''hey, I'm not the one mackin on the kook princess'', he said holding his hands up on defence. RJ sighed. ''can we not do this now''. ''you're mackin on Sarah?'', John B joked. ''shut it JB. I'm doing this for us also. You know get the information''. John B raised his brows at his brother. ''you're using her?''. RJ shook his head. ''what? I'm not. I mean I like her. I-I. Can you guys just shut up, okay? Right now, I'm pissed at the two of you''.

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