Chapter 36 the reconciliation

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3rd pov

''guys wake up. We have to get the girls''. ''five more minutes mom''. ''JJ, get your ass up''. The Maybank boy didn't budge. RJ being RJ. Ripped the blanket of JJ, which made him fall. ''dude, what the hell?''. ''I said get up, JJ''. ''yeah, now I'm up'', he said sitting on the floor.

He got up and looked at the oldest Routledge brother. ''what did you even tell Ward?''. ''oh, I told him me, JB and Sarah came in late yesterday and just went to bed. Then I told him that we woke up early to get some breakfast at the wreck with our friends. In a text of course''. JJ raised his brows at the boy. ''and he believed it?''. ''I mean he wasn't up when me and JB came last night, and he answered me a couple of minutes ago. That it was alright, so I guess so''.

''lucky bastard''. RJ rolled his eyes. ''whatever JJ. Be glad that I let you sleep at the chetau''. ''of course, man. You know I am''.

John B came in and saw JJ sitting on the floor and RJ standing in front of him. ''am I interrupting something here? I mean I can come back later''. ''oh, haha funny JB'', RJ fake laughed.

JJ rolled his eyes and stood up. ''come on let's get the girls and hope they don't want to kill us, or rather more RJ''. ''wait why more me?''. ''I mean it's kind of your fault all of this. If you didn't mack on Sarah Cameron then this wouldn't have happened''. ''JJ'', John B said stopping him.

''fuck you, JJ. I'm actually happy with Sarah and I don't really care about your opinion. Let's just go before I beat your ass'', he said walking out the door. JJ scoffed. ''as if you'd win''. ''oh, he would have won''. JJ looked at John B. ''serious John B? Can't you sometimes be on my team?''. ''yeah, JJ. When you actually have right I will think about it'', he walked out the door.

''yeah, yeah whatever. I don't need an ally. I have myself and that's enough'', he muttered to himself. ''JJ, let's go'', Pope yelled from the boat. ''coming'', the Maybank boy yelled back.


The boys were now with the Heyward's boat. They saw the girls laying there.

''well, hello there ladies. Need a hand there?'', John B calls to them. The girls looked over and saw the boys. Both of them rolled their eyes annoyed at them or mostly at RJ.

''hm. Did you girls forget your keys or something?'', JJ laughed at them. ''shut it JJ'', Kie eyed the boy. The boy said nothing more as he noticed Kie was not in the mood for his bullshit at the time.

They got more closer now. ''you need a tow perhaps?'', RJ joked with them. Sarah eyed him. He smirked. ''oh, come on girls. You have to admit it, it was a little bit funny. Wasn't it?''.

Kie whispered to Sarah. ''you know what let's not give them the satisfaction to thinking it worked. Let's joke with them. You in?''. Sarah nodded at the Carrera girl.

Kie looked at the boys who where now close. The girls went in the boat without saynig anything before they were in the boat.

''actually no RJ. You just did something dumb''. RJ looked at the Carrera girl and narrowed his eyes. ''what why?''. Sarah stepped up. ''it didn't work, but Kie gave me an advice. She said I should dump your ass'', she smiled.

RJ's mouth dropped. ''w-what?'', he asked shocked. The boys went to RJ's side. ''come on, you're joking right? You want to dump my brother?'', John B asked. ''yep she does. She wants a boy that's not childish'', Kie answered for her.

The girls were clearly amused by this, but Sarah felt a little bad for dragging it this far. ''come on Sarah. You can't dump my man, RJ. He isn't childish. He can be grown up when he wants, but he's also just seventeen. I mean you can't seriously mean it'', JJ tried to back up. ''I can back that up. RJ is a good guy, he just wanted to help you girls on the right path. Tho it was John B's plan to begin with'', Pope chimed in.

''yeah, it was my plan to start with even tho it was also his. Don't blame it all on him'', John B said truthfully.

''RJ''. RJ looked up at Kie not being so happy with her now. ''what?''. ''you're-you're such a idiot sometimes'', she said laughing.

''huh?'', RJ was clueless. ''you and John B mastermind huh?''. RJ scoffed as he looked at the two smiling girls. ''you were playing me? Not funny. Well, I'm always planning and by the looks of it. It may have worked as you two pulled a prank on me'', he smirked.

''don't forget me. I actually helped'', John B raised his hands. ''uhuh, some partriarchal bullshit''. ''yeah it sucked boys'', Sarah added.

''still love us though?'', John B asked. ''mhm, sure'', Kie answered.

Sarah was now in front of RJ. He looked at her. ''you're not breaking up are you?'', he asked unsure. She smiled at him, then took him in for a kiss. ''get a room'', they heard JJ say. RJ flipped him off.

They parted, but her hand was still on his neck. ''nope I'm not''. ''so, you don't hate me then?'', he asked with puppy eyes.

Sarah looked up, acting to think. ''a little maybe, but we both are gonna get you back when you least expect it''. ''oh, yeah. Watch your back boys. Me and Sarah aren't going easy on you'', Kie pointed at each of them.

RJ smiled. ''you know what I welcome that challenge''. ''yeah, me too'', the Maybank agreed. ''so, I guess you both then are friends or?'', John B asked.

''we didn't reconcile our differences if that's what you're hint to John B''. ''yep not even close, but we're willing to work together'', Sarah finished.

RJ clapped his hand. ''works for me. If you both are willingly to work together, then that's victory. Isn't that right boys?''. ''hell yeah. Now we don't have one hot girl in our group, but two'', JJ smiled proudly.

''should you or should I?'', Pope asked RJ. RJ smiled and walked towards JJ's side. ''let me Pope''. ''come on'', JJ groaned knowing what was to come.

RJ went over to the boy's head and smacked him hard on the back of it. ''ow. You fucking bastard''. ''that's what you get, JJ'', John B shrugged. ''yup shouldn't have called RJ's girlfriend hot nor Kie. That was all your fault, JJ''. ''fuck you Pope and John B''.

Kie thanked him. ''thanks, RJ. If I did it. It would have been so much harder and he would totally have gotted a red mark''. RJ turned to the girl and smiled at the her. ''no problem Kie. No problem at all. Love to set JJ back on his leash. When he goes a little to far'', he replied.

''oh, fuck off''. ''is he always like this?'', Sarah asked. ''pretty much, but you'll get used to it'', Pope assured her. ''yes babe, you will. Don't hesitate to smack some sense into him. I've done it since we were children'', RJ exclaimed to his girlfriend.

Sarah blushed a little at the new nickname RJ gave her. ''babe?'', JJ smirked. ''you want another smack? Or perhaps a beating?''. JJ's smirk faltered and he rolled his eyes. ''I ain't scared of you RJ''. ''no, but next time I'll let Kie handle it''. That made JJ shut up.

John B broke the silence. ''alright then since that's cleared up. Let's go and jack someone up. You all ready?''. ''yes, brother let's go''. ''yeah, whatever let's go'', Kie saidv not wanting to spend any more time on the water.

They drove away.

To be continued

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