Chapter 22 motherland

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Sarah's pov

Me and RJ successively got back in to the boat, without getting catched. We were now back at the hot room.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost twelve pm.

''my dad's going to give me some sort of speech when I come home, for being out all night. Cause he doesn't believe I'm staying at a friend's house. If not he's going to kill me, but hey at least we completed the mission. That's good, right Vince?''.

I looked and saw RJ was zoomed out. ''RJ what are you thinking about?''. He looked up at me almost instantly. ''oh, yeah sorry. Yeah I mean let's hope not. Your dad's a little bit cool. He's not going to kill you, but more of being a mad concerned father. Speaking of the mission. You know you are really not bad as I thought you were. I'm sorry for being an asshole to you that day''.

''it's okay. I understand, I'm not holding any grudge against you. May I ask what you were expecting?''. I noticed he shrugged his shoulder. ''you want me to answer honestly?''. ''wait no let me. A kook princess or maybe a bubble wrap queen. Am I close?''.

He laughed. ''close enough. More like of a bitch to people type''. I gasped and took my hand on my chest. ''ow, that hurt'', I told him. ''well, you asked''. ''you know you aren't as I expected either. I mean I thought you were this cocky and surfer dude''.

He scoffed. ''oh, yeah''. ''you are, but you're also good guy. I can tell that''.

I feel I got to get more known with RJ this day and to be honest this day was one of the best I've had. I don't know why I feel so safe with him, and how my heart flutters when I look at him. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I have a boyfriend and I kind of  love him I guess, even if I didn't tell him or do I?

''what's it going to be like when we get back to obx?''. I heard RJ ask. I looked up at him. ''what do you mean?''. ''you know us?''. ''us?'', I asked him. ''yeah''. I cleared my throat. ''I mean nothing. We go back to our life. You with the pogue life plus hide from the police and I with the bubble wrap''.

3rd pov

RJ scratched the back of his hair and looked at the Cameron girl. ''like Topper back to the bubble?''. Sarah looked away from his gaze and answered. ''yeah I guess... and you with being a fugitive''.

RJ didn't know what was wrong with him. He didn't want it to go back to that. This day with him and Sarah made him realize something. That his feelings towards the Cameron girl was romantically and he had never felt something like that before, what he's feelings for the kook girl.

''yeah correct''. The kook girl sighed. ''but I uh had a great day though''. The pogue boy smiled at her. ''yeah me too''.

Sarah didn't answer him back. She laid herself down and shut her eyes, so did RJ.


Next morning

As both of them heard they were back at the outer banks. They rushed out of the boat and got to the decks.

''shit that was close'', the Routledge boy said as they stopped. ''yeah, but we made it'', said a smiling Sarah.

Both of them looked around. Sarah being the one to break the silence. ''so, we're back. As we have returned to the motherland, we should revert to our real identities. So, if you see me in the street or...'', RJ cut the girl off. ''yeah, I know. Must keep it a secret or something. I'm a true uh professional''.

Sarah nodded her head careful. ''yup. It's been a pleasure to work with you, RJ''. She handed him her hand. He took it and they shake hands. ''yeah, pleasure is all mine Sarah''.

Sarah retreated her hand and began to walk away.

RJ was watching her walk away when something inside of him told to stop the girl.

''wait''. Sarah stopped at her tracks and turned around, looking at him clueless. ''that's it? We're going to forget it all, the mission, the kiss? You're going to just walk away and act like none of it happened?''. Sarah looked at the boy in the eyes. ''that's what professionals do. Isn't it?''.

RJ sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. ''Sarah I can't deny it anymore. I can't stop thinking about our kiss and I just had the best day of my life yesterday''.

Sarah gets closer to the boy. ''RJ you're gonna blow our cover''. The boy scoffed. ''I don't really care Sarah. Fuck the cover. I don't even care if my friends find out or even your douche boyfriend. Like before I didn't really know you. I just thought of you like this rich princess girl, but know I got to know more. I guess I always knew I had something towards you, but now after. I know for certainly that I do. I'm like Sarah Cameron. I have never experienced that in my life, even though I'm just seventeen. However, I can feel it's rare. Like eclipse rare or like an animal speaking rare. Or maybe even flying car rare. I can't pretend this never happened. I just can't. I'm so...''.

Sarah cut him off by grabbing the boy's collar and looking into him. ''shut up'', was all the girl said before she pulled him into her and smashed their lips together into a delicate kiss.

She broke the kiss and looked at him. ''I can't pretend either anymore'', she admitted to him before taking his lips back onto hers.

As they were kissing a man yelled. ''hey, get a room lovebirds''. Both of them broke their kiss and looked at the man. ''fuck off dude'', RJ yelled at him.

He looked back at Sarah and saw she was looking at him with a smile. ''we have to be careful. It's a small island after all''.

''of course, princess'', the boy agreed. This time RJ was the one taking the lead and kissed her.

The kiss didn't last long as the other two.

They separated. ''I have to go'', the Cameron girl said. ''yeah, I know''. ''see you soon?'', she asked the Routledge boy. ''see you soon'', he reassured her. She kissed his cheek and walked away. This time with a satisfaction smile on her face.

RJ looked at her walking and he smiled as idiot. For the first time in a long time, he was happy. He didn't care what his friends nor about Topper would think. He was just happy that the feelings he tried so hard to fight for the girl was free, and that she felt the same way about him.

He walked away smiling.

To be continued

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