Chapter 23 school

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3rd pov


RJ Routledge just came into his home in the front door. There he met a nervous John B. The youngest Routledge sighed relieved when he saw his older brother. ''dude I've been worrying about you. You didn't call nor did you come home. I thought something happened''. RJ shook his head towards his brother with a smile on his face. ''relax Johnny boy. No harm was done. I'm home in one piece as you can see''.


John B looked at his brother. He raised his brows at him. ''why are you so happy?''. ''it's just a beautiful morning, isn't it brother?''. Something was off with RJ and John B noticed it. ''did something happen?''.


RJ nodded. ''as a matter of fact yeah, we and Sarah found something at chapel hill''. ''oh, that's it?''. RJ's smile faded and turned into a smirk. ''well, not just that''. John B realized then what was making his brother happy. ''no dude, did something happen with Sarah?'', he asked with a smile creeping onto his face. RJ shrugged. ''perhaps''.


Suddenly a door opened up. Revealing JJ. The Maybank boy came towards the boy and pointed a finger at him. ''I knew it. You have the hots for Sarah Cameron. Oh, my god. You're mackin on her?''. RJ cleared his throat. ''well, hello to you too J''. ''what happened?''.


RJ smiled at the Maybank boy. ''well, we confessed somethings and kissed''. ''that's my boy. Rowan Jay Routledge, getting on with the kook princess''. ''I mean I am not quite sure of that. She's still with Topper so, I don't really know what we are. However, as for now let's just keep it between us three. I don't want Kie to know yet''.


John B nodded understanding. ''we understand, right JJ?''. JJ was just looking at RJ starstruck. He nodded his head but didn't say anything. This made RJ sigh, because when it comes to JJ he can't always keep his mouth shut.


''well, fellas let's go. Can't be here much longer as the police or dcs is still on our ass JB. We have to make a stop to the school. Let's go''.


The three boys went out the door to follow up a clue.




The boys were outside their school. JJ and John B told everything that had happened when he was on his little adventure with Sarah Cameron. From JJ taking the blame for Pope for what he did to Topper's boat to the fight between them and the three doofuses.


''man, I should have been there. I would have loved to kick their asses, especially Topper's''. ''we know RJ, but hey we got some hits on them. Should have seen John B shoved Topper like he was nothing. At least you got to have your adventure with the kook princess''.


''yeah'', the Routledge boy answered with a smile on his face.


They went through the door and into a classroom.


As they went in, they recognized their old teacher. He noticed them and had an approving smile on his face. ''well, well, well. Isn't it the three musketeers. RJ Routledge, JJ Maybank and John B Routledge. To what do I owe this pleasure, because I know it isn't to come back to my classroom for a lecture'', he said in a joking matter.

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