Chapter 7 JJ being JJ

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3rd pov

The clock was now more to noon. RJ was in his room as was John B. Both of them were sleeping comfortable. Well, that was before JJ came.

''open up. Dcs I know you're in there John B and Rowan. Open this door up instantly or I may have no choice to call the police. Your choice'', JJ said with a deepened voice and cracking.

RJ heard his friend and sighed. ''John B open up. It's your best friend''. You could hear John B rolled up from the bed. He walked out of his room and looked at his brother, who had his room besides RJ. ''he's not just my best friend, but yours too. Next time open the door yourself'', he said as he walked to the door. Opening up to a smiling JJ.

''did I get you?'', the blond haired Maybank boy asked the brothers. The brothers looked at each other and wanted to trick JJ into thinking he really did trick them. ''oh, yeah you did JJ. You should have seen Johnny here. Rolled out of the bed ready to break out'', the oldest Routledge brother said as he looked at the Maybank boy.

''wait really?''. ''yeah JJ. I was ready to break out, but RJ here had another plan. He was about to take a knife'', John B told JJ while he tried to hold his laughter. JJ became serious. ''wait what? You're serious, RJ?''. As the brother saw how actually JJ began to question if it was real or not. The both of them bursted out in laughter.

JJ's face become irritated. ''fuck both of you''. ''you should Have seen your face J. It was first 'what the heck', then it was 'shit'. Like bro this made my day''. ''good to see you have your fun again RJ and John B''. ''sorry JJ, but come on it was. You're always in the gang that tricks people sometimes, now we tricked you'', John B replied.

''yeah, yeah, shall we go?''. ''go where?''. ''to Lana's''. ''Lana's why?'', RJ asked his best friend. ''because we need answers RJ and maybe Lana knows something''. ''oh, yeah right''. ''dude you've got to stop thinking about Kie''. ''what?''.

JJ was walking out of the house as he said that, but before he was outside he had to say another thing. ''or Sarah''. With that the Maybank boy went to the pogue boat.

John B looked at his brother. Who was looking at the door irritated by JJ's remark. ''I'm not saying anything, but you can't deny that you don't feel nothing for Sarah. I say go for it. Go mack on Sarah Cameron, cause it looks like you're already macking on her''.

The older brother looked at the younger brother. ''I am not macking on Sarah''. John B shrugs. ''looks like it is something there. Not just you but her too''.

After that John B went out and joined JJ on the boat. As did RJ some seconds after.


As they just had stopped the boat and was about to go out. JJ opened up to talk. ''wait before we go and talk with Lana. Let's have a boy talk''. John B and RJ looked at each other, then at JJ again. ''yeah I know, weird. However, RJ why don't you try it with Kie? I mean have you seen the way she's been looking at you recently. Come on John B back me up''.

''I mean maybe, but I don't know. It looks like JJ is the one seeing here'', John B said while raising his hands up in defence.

JJ sighed. ''well, ask Pope he has seen it too''. RJ sighed. ''really JJ?''. ''bro come on you have to see it too or are your crush on Sarah Cameron that big. When you were going to dive down she kissed you man''. ''first of all I don't have a crush on Sarah, and second she kissed me on the cheek JJ. Not on the lips''.

JJ tilted his head towards the boy and then regained his posture back. ''don't pretend you don't notice it yourselves. I think you even like that she gives you that attention. I mean I know I would. I know you RJ''. The boy gave JJ a disbelieving look. ''I don't''. ''well, perhaps you do brother'', John B cut in. This made the boy more irritated. ''we don't blame you. I mean you have seen Kiara. She's this cool girl and not to mention beautiful, who actually wants to hang with us. But hey I understand if Sarah is the one that captured your heart, can't blame you there either'', JJ said.

As he heard that. RJ didn't know what to do or say. Maybe he has something towards Sarah, but maybe there is also something between him and Kie. Should he try and see or should he not. That is the thing he don't know. Is it really just friendship that's stopping him or is it in fact Sarah? What it is, is the question. But he knows Sarah's with Topper and that she wouldn't go for a boy like him, but who knows maybe the table will turn. Just maybe she feels something for him too. But the Routledge boy doesn't want to admit his feelings to Sarah for himself.

''maybe, I'll see''. ''that's my boy. Riara here we come'', JJ eagerly said. ''Ri what now?''. ''your ship name to you and Kie. I also have for you and Sarah. Rarah, SJ, Rameron, Soutledge. Rarah is my favourite tho''. John B laughed at his friend. RJ looked at him somehow not surprised but also a little. ''let's uhm just get going''.

''all righty''.

JJ saw the compass in John B's hand and snatched it. ''JJ'', John B said harsh. JJ dropped the compass right away. ''JJ man''. RJ then took it up. ''I was just going to look at it, nothing else''.

''you guys must agree that it's a little sketchy that your father's compass was in Scooter's boat''. ''yeah but perhaps it's a reason. I mean it must mean something'', RJ said. ''it has to be. That is why we're going to Lana. To figure out if she knows anything that can help us'', John B answered back.

JJ scoffed. ''yeah she may want to hear three boys that are underage. Talk about a compass, while her husband just drowned. Oh, let's not forget we're also teenagers pogues''. RJ took his hand on JJ shoulder and patted it. ''relax buddy, don't need to get aggressive. We just want to talk to her and figure things out''. John B rolled his eyes, waiting impatiently to go and find Lana. ''come on let's go. We don't have all day''.

With that the two boys nodded their head at him and went to talk to Lana.

To be continued.

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