Chapter 31 girlfriend

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3rd pov

RJ drove everyone home. Before he drove himself and his brother back to the Cameron's house.

As they were walking, they began to talk. ''so, how's it going with Sarah?'', John B indulged the conversation. RJ shrugged. ''good I think''. ''you and her aren't boyfriend and girlfriend?''. RJ gives him a confused expression. '' you know JJ just asked me the same question. I mean I think. We haven't used those words and I haven't asked her''. ''you should''. RJ smiled for himself. ''yeah I should''. ''i'm 100% abord with that bro. You and Sarah are perfect together. She makes you happy and I can see you also make her happy. So, go for it'', John B encourages his brother.

As they were outside the door, they saw Topper talking to Sarah. ''I love you Sarah. I didn't even push RJ. He must have fallen''. RJ heard the boy and jealousy came through his body. ''no Topper you did, and you don't love me. Just let me be''.

He grabbed Sarah's hand. ''I do Sarah''. RJ was now walking over there. ''you don't Topper. You just love the idea of me and being seen with me, nothing more''. RJ stooped at his track.

Topper scoffed. ''you don't know what I'm feeling. What you think that pogue loves you? Come on Sarah, he's a pogue and you're a kook. He's not good enough for you''. ''you can't decide who's good for me or not Topper. Trust me RJ is more than good enough for me, more than I could ever say for you''.

RJ smiled proudly at that comment.

Topper let the girl go. ''you know what. You're a slut. You know that. A slut''. That was it for RJ to walk towards them. ''hey Topper, better watch that mouth of yours. Even though I'm hurt. I'd still kick your ass''.

Sarah knew that voice to good. She looked right in front and noticed RJ and John B, coming behind him.

Before anything else could be done. Ward Cameron came outside. He looked at Topper. ''you better watch your mouth when you talk about my daughter Topper''.

Topper shook his head at the man. Then he pointed at RJ and Sarah. ''your daughter is banging a pogue. A pogue that you took in. He's banging her''. ''Topper last warning, go home'', The Cameron man told him.

RJ and John B was now with the door. RJ stepping in front of Topper. ''you heard the man Topper. Go''.

Topper scoffs at the behaviour he was getting. ''you can't be serious. You're going to let your daughter be with someone like him, a pogue? You even let him be in the same house as her and think they aren't doing anything?''.

RJ had enough and pushed the boy. ''first not everything's about sex Topper. Secondly we're together. So, I suggest you leave my girlfriend the hell alone. Or I won't hesitate to kick your ass until you're in the hospital. Would you like that?''.

RJ realized what he said and looked back at Sarah who just had a smile on her face, for him calling her girlfriend for the first time.

RJ smiled back at her, but before he knew it he felt a punch on his face, and he fell on the ground.

Topper looked at Ward. ''your daughter...'', he didn't get to finish as Ward took him by his throat and were chocking him.

Sarah was kneeling down to RJ, when she suddenly noticed her dad and what he was doing. ''dad stop'', but he didn't instead he kept going. ''dad, please stop'', she pleaded again and this time he heard.

He let go of the boy. ''go Topper''. Topper didn't hesitate and went right away.

John B helped his brother up as did Sarah. ''are you okay?'', the Cameron girl asked worried caressing his cheek. ''yup, never felt better'', he replied sarcastic.

Sarah was about to kiss him when her father came up and interrupted them. ''hey kid you alright?''. RJ nodded. ''yeah. Look what he's saying''. Ward waved him off. ''hey it's okay. Uh, he's just hurt and that. You do and say some stuff that aren't necessarily true or at least not what you mean. But uh you and Sarah are together?'', he asked narrowing his eyes at the two.

RJ's pov

Shit I just Sarah my girlfriend in front of her dad. ''uh, yes sir. I really like your daughter, like I really like her. I understand if you do...''. Ward cut the boy off. ''you're a good kid Rowan. You're good for her and I can see she's good for you, but if you are uh you know'', he said referring to sex.

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RJ gulped at what he was referring to. ''dad'', Sarah said. ''what? I just want to say use protection, and please don't do it when someone's home. However, the rule still stays. No seeing in each other's room. But I can't stop you two either. Ah young love'', he said the last while walking back inside the house.

RJ and Sarah just looked at each other, none of them spoke. ''uh, I'm going in. See you later, love birds'', John B said going in too.

''so, I'm your girlfriend?'', Sarah asked with a mischivious grin on her. RJ scratched the back of his head. ''I mean aren't you? I know I haven't asked nor said anything about it. So, Sarah Cameron would you be my girlfriend officially?''.

The girl chuckled. ''hmm... yes I would'', she said and pulled the Routledge boy into a kiss.

''use protection. Don't wanna be an uncle yet'', they could hear John B yell from the window.

The two of them ignored him and smiled into the kiss.

They broke the kiss after a minute. ''wanna take a walk with me?'', Sarah asked. ''of course, I would'', the boy answered his girlfriend with a smile.

The Cameron girl took his hand and intertwined them.

Then the two walked from the Cameron house and on to an evening walk.

To be continued

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