Chapter 33 chetau

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John B's pov

We were at the chetau waiting for RJ to come.

''John B where is your brother?'', Pope asked. I looked up at him and shrugged. I noticed Kie raised her brows at me. ''you don't know where RJ are?''. ''uh, no''. ''my guess he's with his girl''.

Kie looked at JJ and sighed. ''he's with Sarah? So, he's blowing us for her?''. I looked at JJ and gave him a not so pleasant look. He gulped.

''uh no. I mean he probably is doing something, but he's coming. Relax Kie'', JJ tried to reassure her. ''yeah busy doing something or rather someone'', I heard Pope say. ''dude'', I eyed him. ''what?''. I ignored Pope. ''look Kie. What's even the deal with you and RJ? Do you like him or not?'', I asked her. She shook her head. ''oh my god, no. I don't like RJ in that way''. ''then why do you get so, I don't know upset or some shit''.

Kie huffed at me. ''it's because I know Sarah. I was friends with her''. ''so?''. Now she looked at JJ. ''so. I know how she can be. I'm just looking out for RJ''. ''RJ's a big boy he can look out for himself. So, what if he's with Sarah? It's his choice'', I backed my brother.

I noticed Kie began to get irritated. ''still, I just want what's best for him'', she answered. ''well, maybe Sarah is the best for him'', JJ backed up too. ''you know what I won't discuss this with you guys''.

As we were done with that discussion. We heard laughter. I looked out and saw RJ and Sarah coming together, their hands interwined.

''shit'', I muttered under my breath. All I can hope is that Kie won't loose her shit over this, cause RJ really likes Sarah and I can see she feels the same way. I also want my brother to be happy, he hasn't been in a long time. Sarah does make him happy.

3rd pov

RJ and Sarah came up to the pogues. The two lovers sat down. Kie looked at her best friend with disbelief. ''you really were with her and even brought her here. So, she's really in this now isn't she?'', RJ sighed with Kie's behaviour. He noticed Sarah was a bit uncomfortable. So, he was about to say something. Before he could, JJ beat him to it. ''I don't care if she's in or not, but her cut comes from yours share'', he said pointing to RJ.

''not now JJ'', John B whispered.

Kie scoffed and looked at Sarah. She noticed the girl's hand was interviewed with RJ. She couldn't help but scoff. Not because she was jealous or something, but because her best friend had lied to her about something going on with him and the Cameron girl.

''I even don't remember taking a vote in this. I mean wasn't this an us thing. A pogue thing'', she said looking sternly at RJ.

RJ scoffed now at the Carrera girl. He let go of Sarah's hand and stood up. Leaning into the relling. ''Kie come on do you have to be like this?'', he asked her. She didn't answer instead she just looked to the side.

Pope then interrupted. ''if I may say. I'm a little bit uncomfortable with all of this. Just to let ya'll know''. ''Pope not helping'', John B said shaking his head.

RJ looked at Pope. He raised an eyebrow at the boy. ''and when are you not Popeye?''. He shrugged. ''I don't know. I mean I came here with JJ. Him driving his motorcycle and I the back of it. Was actually comfortable if I may add''.

RJ just slapped the back of his neck, feeling mixed emotions about his friends behaviour.

JJ nodded, agreeing with Pope. ''he's right. May have been the most relaxed I have ever seen him, but my bike is pretty comfortable''.

RJ huffed in disbelief. ''wow guys, that's cute. You two should always do that then'', he said sarcastically. John B noticed his brother began to grew irritated. ''okay, guys why don't we just take a breather and talk like civil people''.

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