Chapter 39: Temple of Anansi.

Começar do início

"Thanks for reminding me that I'm dying." Peter deadpanned at the spider god.


Many people friendly with the wallcrawler didn't like being reminded of Spiderman's limited time among the living.

Morrigan began to wonder if there was a way to extend or perhaps cease Spiderman from dying with magic, a thought shared by Dante and Trish.

Bast, konshu, and zarathos hated the reminder. Their friend was alive, and now they find out that he is dying again.

'No, I won't let you die. I refuse.' Bast thought, her grip on anansi's mask tightening but not enough to crack it. 'I can't lose you, not again.' She continued to think, a determined glint in her eyes. Ideas began to form in her mind on ways to possibly save anansi from dying. Psylocke may have held the shattering of anansi's memories, and by extension, his mind and soul, but that's all she did. It would only be a matter of time before anansi pushed past his limits and perhaps used the power of the Web to a greater extent to battle an opponent or an enemy from his past and present will take advantage of his state and try to finish him off.

And she will not allow that.

Never again.

(Template Earth)

"Sorry." Anansi sheepishly apologised before looking back at his temple. "I do wonder why it's near wakanda, I never built it here." He wondered.

Before anything else could be said, the temple hummed, catching both spider's attention. The humming grew louder and louder before the temple erupted in a flash of light.

Peter covered his eyes to shield himself from the blinding light. Only when the light died down did he stop shielding his eyes.

He was still at the temple, and that much was clear, but everything seemed to be greyed out minus himself and anansi.

"What just happened?"

"The temple is showing us something." Anansi answered as he looked around their surroundings. "It's most likely answering my query." He added an afterthought.

"It can do that?" Peter asked as he also looked around their surroundings.

"I built the temple, and it responds to my will." He said before pausing for a second and then continuing. "Or OUR will rather. Either way, it's gonna show us something -" anansi paused as he stilled, looking at a figure calmly walking out of the bushes behind Spiderman.

Seeing anansi's frozen state, spidey also spun around to see a golden form begin to materialise as they kept walking towards them. Only after the figure fully materialised did the spider God's frozen form melt, and he slowly approached the figure.

"Bast?" Anansi whispered as he got nearer to the panther goddess.


Hearing him call out to her, made Bast focus intently on her friend, ignoring anything and everything around her. Konhsu and zarathos noticed this but made no comment about it. After all, if the temple was showing what they believed it to be showing, then they knew what was to come.

Meanwhile, those familiar with the panther goddess, specifically the wakandans, gasped in surprise, shock, and awe at seeing the panther with many conversing with eachother and wondering what was the connection between their goddess and the spider god.

(Template Earth)

Anansi stopped in front of bast with the panther goddess paying no heed and phasing right through him and continuing through the temple. Anansi turned to watch the panther goddess' leaving form, frowning as he remembered that this was just a memory.

The omniversal champion, SpidermanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora