Chapter 7. Side Quests

Começar do início

"K.C. do you see anything?"

K.C. moves his hair away from his eyes, tieing it around itself into a ponytail casually.

"I don't think so- theres a couple animals it seems to the right."

Moon goes up to K.C., looking to the right and seeing a couple birds and pigs.


"We probably shouldn't interact with the animals, also there doesn't seem to be much."

"Yeah, other then that there doesn't seem to be much-"

Sun turns to the right, and starts running.

Moon runs after Sun, followed by K.C. walking behind after a minute.

Gemini's perspective:

Earth leads the group to one end of the island side, Lunar grabbing Gemini's arm while following.

"Lunar's adorable-"

"Yeah- he is- um- Castor- do you think we should tell the others about- us-?"

"What do you mean Pollux-?"

"... The fact that we're... Two people..."


"... Last time we told someone... They called us crazy..."

"... Are we crazy-?"

"... I don't think so-"

"Gemini. Wake up call."
Earth snaps her fingers in Gemini's face.

"Oh- Uh- Sorry- I was thinking- to myself."

Earth sighs.
"Well. Lets get to work."

"What are we looking for again-?"

Lunar pops his arms above his head, still holding onto Gemini's hand.

"Yeah- Lunar's probably right. We haven't really found anything of value for a fair amount of time."

"... Ok- Um-"
Gemini looks around, finding a couple old shovels in the ground.

"... If there isn't treasure then-"

"There HAS to be something under there!'

"... Y-Yeah- um... What do we say-"

Gemini points at the shovels, Pollux happily exclaiming:
"Theres shovels- over there-!"

Earth and Lunar look over at where Gemini points.

Lunar lights up, rushing over to the shovels shoved in the sand, and pulls one of them out, and starts digging in that spot.

"... Why is Lunar so cute-"

"No idea- Castor-"


"... We need to tell him-"

"... How are we gonna do that-?"

"... I don't know- though... If we want more then friendship..."

"We need to tell him."


"Maybe another day-"

Earth walks over to the area aswell, joining Lunar in digging in the area.

"Y-Yeah- we don't even know if Lunar likes us- like that-"

Gemini steps over to the two, and joins in with the digging.

"... I still remember the day we first got here..."

"It wasn't that long ago- not even a year."

"... Still- ha- HAHA-"

"Gemini. You're spacing out again."

"Oh- Sorry. I'll pay attention-"

"All good! You're fairly new to the crew! Still learning the ropes!"
Lunar hits Gemini with their elbow.

"... T-Thanks Lunar..."
Gemini laughs a bit, their blush becoming slightly more prevalent.

Gemini returns to digging, along with the other two.

After a couple minutes Lunar's shovel hits wood.

Lunar jumps up happily, clapping their hands while doing so.

"Yeah- It seems to be a actual chest aswell- Gemini do you wanna lift it?"

"Uh- Sure."
After a little bit more digging, Gemini crouches down and lifts up a heavy wooden chest with metal accents, and places it onto the sandy land.

"That- That is heavy-"

"My arms hurt-"

'Yeah. I know."

"How much stuff do you think is in there-?'

"I don't know- your the smart one here."

Lunar rushes over to the box, and trys to open it up before Earth stops him.

"Lunar stop. It could be trapped. We should wait until everyone else is here."

Lunar groans and starts dragging the chest closer to the pirate ship.

"Lunar do you need some help-?"

"I might be short- but that doesn't mean I'm weak!"
Lunar successfully drags the chest over, Earth and Gemini following.

"Should we go over and tell Monty-"

"Nah. Let them explore-"

"I agree with Gemini on this one- We don't know whats on this island, we should get going as soon as possible."

Lunar rolls his eyes half jokingly.
"If something happens, they can handle it. Along with Sun, Moon and K.C., we don't need to worry. Let's just wait."

Earth sigh's.
"If you say so."

"I guess we just wait..."

"Yeah- um- Castor?"

"Yeah Pollux?"

"Who's Pollux-?"





"Nobody- I was just speaking without thinking-"

"... Gemini your thoughts are weird- Where did you get pollux from-?"

"I- I saw the word in a- sword fighting book once-"

"... Ok-"

"That was a terrible excuse-"



Ooo Pollux and Castor are here now(OSDD/DID vibes)

Ocean Rules | Sun and Moon showOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora