Unrequited Love Part 2

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1 hour earlier

??? POV

I sit in the same dingy cell I've been in since I got sentenced to this godforsaken prison. I did deserve the punishment. I mean, I killed someone after all, but seriously? They could've given me a better cell. Prisons should have better cells available for when you've been a prisoner for a certain amount of time, like how you get promotions or more benefits for working for a certain period with the same business.

I've been in this filthy, dank cell for a decade now. Azkaban is undoubtedly the worst prison for people. With the way you are sentenced and thrown in, you don't even get to have a second chance. The wizarding world is too damn focused on retribution. Damn Cornelius Fudge! Stupid new minister of magic!

The day so far has been the same as usual. It doesn't really vary too much. Sometimes, people have disagreements in here, but there's only so much that can happen, before they send in the dementors to deal with disorderlies. No one cares if the dementors use the dreaded kiss or even if they kill us completely, they're just relieved to free up more space for newcomers. 

Just after dinner, I'm getting ready for lights out, when I feel a sharp pain in my chest. At first, I ignore it, expecting it to pass. But the pain only intensifies, spreading through my entire body. I begin to worry, not knowing what's going on. What's happenning to her. I begin to cough violently and a metallic taste fills my mouth. Blood. She's dying. 

I harness all the energy I have to summon my magic. Luckily for me, they recently decided I was no longer a threat to the others in here, and removed the magic repressing shackles from my wrists. I breathed in deply and exhaled, before concentrating on the location she was in. I apparate, a loud crack resonating around my cell as I disappeared. I open my eyes, finding myself in Hogwarts. I don't stop for a moment to reminisce, immediatelty rushing off to find her. 


Thomas Marvolo Riddle

The instant I finished reading Y/n's note, I apparated to Hogwarts. Me being me, I apparated straight into the castle grounds, having discovered the secret to doing so in 6th year. I hurried to the astronomy tower on instinct, and as expected, I saw her body, lying crumpled on the floor. I sprinted over, immediately lifting her up and holding her in my arms. 

I frantically checked her pulse and her heart rate, tears spilling out of my eyes. I treated her like shit! Despite me not being able to love, I could've at least been civil. Not had her running around doing things for me, not hurting her. My tears fell in streams, falling onto her beautiful face. She'd lost all her colour, all the light within, with what I'd done. I wanted her to live, if only to shout, to scream, to tell me she hated me...anything.

When I felt no breath from her mouth or her nose, no pulse, I knew I was a true monster. I did this. I led her to this point. She was an angel, a star shining brightly in the darkness. In the cruel world I had designed. I tainted her. Completely ruined her. My sweet, Y/n. She didn't deserve this, any of it. She didn't deserve me. 

I continue sobbing my cold, black heart out. I apologise to her over and over as I cling onto her lifeless corpse, as if somehow it'd be able to bring her back. If someone came out and saw me like this, I wouldn't care. Now that she's truly gone, nothing matters anymore. Not my followers, not my future plans, not immortality, nothing. What would an eternity be without her anyways? 

I cry and cry for what feels like hours. I hold her body close to mine, trying to keep her as warm as possible, but what's the use now? I'm pulled out of my grieving, feeling something sharp poke into the back of my neck. "Why the hell are you crying-" A male voice begins to ask, before it falters. "Y-Y/n?" I hear the voice tremble. 

The man walks around me, snatching Y/n from my arms. "Y-y/n, answer me! Y/n, wake up, please! I'm here for you. I escaped Azkaban just for you, so come on my dear, get up!" he pleads. I scan his face, and tense immediately. He looks just like her. Just like Y/n Y/ln. He continues frantically shaking and trying to wake her as I gape at him, jaw dropped. He finally seems to realise that she won't wake, and collapses to the ground, her body still held tightly in his arms.

He lets out a scream of agony that shocks even me, as a burst of magic shoots out of him, destroying everything in its path but us. I glance around, my eyes wide at his outburst. Trees are flattened and smoking, the half-giant's house is laying in rubble. Merlin knows if the man was inside. The grass is all siged black, and the castle still stands, yet cracks shoot up the old walls. 

Screams of panic are heard from inside, yet the noise is drowned out by his sobs. His forehead is pressed against hers as he cries and cries, until there are no tears left. He places a soft kiss to her cheek and then lays her down on the floor in front of him. He brushes the strands of her Y/hc hair from her faceand tucks them behind her ear. His head then snaps up to me.

"Who are you? Why were you holding her in your arms?" he asks, becoming hostile immediately. "I'm Tom Marvolo Riddle, her...boyfriend" I reply, the words sounding wrong as I speak them. "W-who are you?" I ask curiously, wanting to know his identity. "I'm Y/n's older brother. Hades Alexander, Y/ln. I'm going to get revenge on the disgusting prick that killed my beautiful sister!"

I imagined Hades reacting to Y/n's death the same way Wanda reacted to Pietro's:

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