Amnesia (Alternative plot)

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Thomas Marvolo Riddle

I slowly peel open my eyes, and instantly shut them again, as bright lights hit me. I have no idea where I am, or who I am. I stay lying down with my eyes shut, face scrunched in confusion, as I try to recall anything that led me to this place, but my mind remains blank.

I huff in frustration, before opening my eyes again, this tome more prepared for the blinding lights. When my eyes adjust, I realise that the ceiling is white. I slowly sit up, struggling a little, but manage in the end. The rest of the room is all white and..."I'm in hospital?" I mutter to myself, confused.

I try to figure out why I'm here, but again nothing. I look around my bed, until I find an emergency button. I press it, and instantly cover my ears as an alarm blares throughout the ward. 3 doctors rush in, and over to me, beginning to check my vitals.

"Please, doctors, I'm fine. I just need answers" I inform them, trying to calm them down. "And is there no way to stop that infernal alarm?" I ask, my annoyance shining through. One of the doctors resets the alarm, and I can remove my hands from my ears.

"Right. I don't know what's wrong, bit I can't recall any memories from before I got here, I don't even know who I am!" I tell them, exasperatedly. The doctors share a worried glance, before one of them quickly writes something down. "We don't want you to panic Tom, but we need to explain something important.


So it turns out, my name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. I'm 22, and I had a car accident. I had internal bleeding, along with a broken leg. Now, I apparently have retrograde amnesia, meaning that I cannot recall any past memories. Anything before I woke up is lost, but hopefully this amnesia is temporary.

I can be discharged later today, once they get results from the last examinations they did, and apparently my brother Mattheo Riddle is coming to collect me. Given that I have this issue, I am forced to trust these doctors. I only hope that they are able to cure me.


At 5pm, my brother arrives, and I'm discharged from the hospital. When I see him, I'm about 80 percent sure he's my sibling, because of his looks. I keep conversation with him to a minimum until we get home, to avoid the awkwardness of not being able to remember him.

He drives us to a huge manor, that we apparently inherited from our father. He says that once I've settled in, he will fill in any gaps for me about my life, to which I nod, as we walk onto 'our' home. Mattheo leads me into the living room, and offers me a drink.

We sit opposite each other, and he slowly sips his drink, but I down mine all at once. He chuckles slightly, but doesn't say anything. Then a look of realisation crosses his face. "I'll be right back" he mutters, and runs upstairs, leaving me confused.


Mattheo basically told me everything. Most of it was understandable, some things I didn't get. One thing that shocked me was how he said that I had a girlfriend, after explaining my personality. When I asked him where she was now, he told me she cheated on me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mattheo told me I treated her well, so why? Why would she betray me like that? The answer to that, I'd only get from Y/n herself. I vowed that once they discharged me, I'd seek her out and ask her in person.


After the doctors ran their last tests, and I signed the discharge papers, Mattheo helped take me home.

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