The Dark Lord

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Working for The Dark Lord, aka Tom Riddle has its perks. All I have to do is show my unyielding loyalty, and in return? I get protection, a luxurious lifestyle and I get to rid the world of inferior species with him. But the best perk, by far, has to be being his personal doll. I mean which woman in their right mind wouldn't want that? He's hotter than hell, and he fucks so good! So why would I complain?

The only thing is, I'm not the only one he fucks around with. He has others too, but the way he acts around them, compared to how he acts with me, I'd like to think I'm his favourite. Another giveaway is that he'll tell me how the girl he was with before me couldn't do shit right. That only boosts my ego, and makes me work harder to please him better.

My biggest competition for his attention has to be Bellatrix Lestrange. That woman is completely insane and delusional. She hopes he'll fall for her, but any smart person knows that the dark lord does not fall in love. He's simply incapable, not by choice, but because of how he was conceived. Still, the woman can't get that fact through her thick head.

She's a disgraceful whore really. And I know you must be thinking, 'but Y/n, you fuck him too, so you're a whore too.' I sure do, but the difference between me and Lestrange is that she is a married woman, whereas I'm not. Whether Rodolphus knows or not, I have no clue, but I do think it's disgusting. I'd never fuck another whilst married myself, and I'd never fuck a man who is married. But that woman...ugh! Oh, speak of the devil, here she comes!

Bellatrix walks past me, a full-blown grin on her face, almost skipping down the corridor. I watch her walk away, surprised she didn't throw me an insult as usual, before heading to my room in the manor. I'm reading a novel, around 10 minutes later, when Abraxas comes to tell me that the Dark Lord has summoned me. I raise a brow, but don't dare question the order, thanking Abraxas and heading to the Dark Lord's office.

I knock on his door, and wait patiently. He calls 'Enter!' with a groan? Despite my confusion, I enter the room, closing the door behind me. When I look up to speak to him, I'm met by the sight of him fucking Bellatrix against his desk. I narrow my eyes at the pair, feeling a tinge of jealousy course throughout me.

"You summoned me, my Lord?" I ask, my voice remaining polite, yet the anger in my eyes is obvious. The Dark Lord takes notice, because a wide smirk grows on his face. "Yes Y/n, I have a mission for you" he tells me, not ceasing his movements inside Bellatrix who, doesn't keep quiet as he speaks, moaning louder.

My expression fills with disgust, but I don't dare say a word in reaction. "I'm all ears, my Lord. What would you like from me?" I ask, just managing to keep calm. "I'd like you to bring me a member of the Order. Kingsley Shacklebolt" he tells me pushing into Bellatrix harder. "As you wish, my Lord. Anything else?" I ask him. "No, that's all, Y/n" he smirks again. I nod in understanding, and walk out his office.

I think I would've gouged my eyes out if I had to endure another minute of seeing that. He did that on purpose to see how I'd react evidently. He doesn't need Shacklebolt either. After all, what could he possibly want from a pile of bones? I killed Shacklebolt for him a week ago, even Lestrange knows that. I hate how he tried to humiliate me like that, but there's nothing I can do, unless I want to face his wrath. I decide to head to the training room in the manor, instead of my room. I need to let my anger out.

2 hours later

I've just finished training and am on my way to get dinner, when Bellatrix bumps into me. "Watch where you're fucking going, Lestrange!" I shout, and shove her back. Bellatrix has the audacity to smirk at me. "Jealous are we?" she cackles. "Fuck off, Lestrange, I have things to do" I roll my eyes, pushing past her, but she grabs my arm, turning me back to face her.

"I'm the dark lord's favourite! You're nothing to him! He called you when he was fucking me! You're definitely jealous" she cackles again. I observe her, before a smirk takes over my expression. "Jealous of you? Oh please, Lestrange. You're not his favourite" I laugh. "I AM TOO!" She screeches.

"Oh yeah, then tell me, Lestrange. Does he moan out your name when he fucks you? Does he praise you at all? Does he let you touch him at all, or does he tie you down? Are you ever facing him when you fuck? Does he cum with you? No. Exactly he doesn't ever cum inside you, does he? He does in me. Every. Single. Time. You're obviously not the favourite honey!" I chuckle, stepping closer to her.

She lets out a growl and whips out her wand, throwing a curse at me. I block it immediately, with wandless magic. "What's wrong Lestrange? Jealous are we?" I laugh, using her own words against her. She lets out a scream in frustration, before throwing more curses at me.


Not even 10 minutes later, I knock Bellatrix to the ground, blood cascading down her face. "Next time, be sure you can beat me, before trying to duel me!" I laugh, before turning away from her, to leave. As I walk away, I hear her mutter "Avada Kedavra!" I freeze, knowing I won't be able to get away from this. I can't believe I'm going to die at her hand. I think to myself, then wait for the impact of the spell, but it never comes.

I turn back to her, seeing the Dark Lord holding her. My eyes widen a little in surprise. I really thought I was a goner for a second. He looks up at me, before grabbing Bellatrix by the neck and snapping it with his bare hands. Her body crumples to the ground, and he kicks her away from him. I'm left completely speechless, just gaping at him. He stalks over, and grabs me by the arm, then drags me away.

Rather than taking me to his office as usual, he takes me to his private room. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n! What shall I do with you? You made me kill one of my most loyal followers" Tom tells me. "One of. Not your most loyal, because that's me. We both know it!" I retort. "Oh, you're a cheeky woman, my little doll!" he exclaims. "This is why you're my favourite" he tells me, as he circles around me like a predator.

I smirk as he tells me that. See Bellatrix? I am his favourite! "Is that so, my Lord? Because the way you fuck 10 other girls beside me in one go, it's hard to tell" I scowl, and Tom Chuckles. "You're jealousy is very attractive, darling! That's why I fuck them you know? I like your reactions, how you get so worked up" he whispers by my ear, having finally come to a stop behind me.

"You really are mental! You know, I get 'worked up' in your presence all the time, you don't have to fuck them. I mean, what would you do if I fucked Brax? He is incredibly handsome too!" I laugh. Tom comes around, standing before me. His hand wraps around my neck, his grip tight.

"You wouldn't dare!" he seethes. "Oh really? Try. Me. What's wrong now? I thought you don't have feelings" I chuckle. "I don't" he replies abruptly. "Mhmm, I don't believe you" I retort, teasingly. "I don't give a shit what you believe! If you try to fuck Malfoy, I'll crucio you!" he shouts, his grip tightening more, almost cutting off my airway. Yet still, I can't help but provoke him further.

"Wow! Very possessive over me huh? Are you obsessed, my Lord? Hmm? I bet you think of me all the time! Just admit it, there's no one here but me" I whisper, leaning closer to him. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, and I smirk. "Fine! I'm fucking obsessed with you, doll! I fuck those other girls to get you out my head, but even still, you take over my mind, and I hate it!" he exclaims, letting go of my neck as he waves his hands in an exasperated manner.

I grin at his reaction. "Well then. Perhaps it will please you to know, I'm obsessed with you too, my Lord. That's why I truly joined your cause. Knowing I'd get to see you everyday, be in your presence everyday? That's all I could ask for" I admit. He whips round, searching my eyes for signs of a lie. When he finds none, he shoves me against the wall, smashing his lips into mine. After that, he rails me all night long, and I really do struggle to walk for the rest of the week.

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