Childhood Best Friends pt 3

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Y/n and Tom were met by Professor Dumbledore once again, the week before school was to start. He had taken them around a place called Diagon Alley where they had bought all their school supplies. They'd then returned to the orphanage for the last few days before September 1st, both being incredibly excited.

Dumbledore returned once again on that day to hand them their tickets and show them how to board the train. Once they had made it to platform 9 3/4, he disappeared, making Y/n and Tom gape in shock.

After boarding the train, they hurried to find seats together in a compartment at the back. The pair had taken the time to read Hogwarts: A history and were excited to discuss all the ancient castle's secrets.

They'd already discussed that they both thought they'd be in Slytherin house, but wouldn't be completely upset if they were put into Ravenclaw, as long as they were together. Y/n soon fell asleep opposite Tom, whilst he read a novel he'd stolen from Wool's.


The train arrived, and the first years were ushered off and into boats. They took the ride across the black lake, all the students gasping at the magnificent castle. Y/n was impressed, but she was also intrigued by the lake's murky waters as she saw movement under the surface. When they got off, and entered the castle, they were welcomed by professor Dumbledore, who explained how things work.

He then led them inside for the sorting. Name after name was called until..."Tom Riddle!" shouted professor Dumbeldore. Y/n gave the boy's hand a squeeze to which he gave her a small nod, before walking forwards and sitting on the stool. The hat barely touched his head, when it shouted "SLYTHERIN!" Tom let a small smile appear on his face, as Y/n cheered for him, before he went to sit with the green house.

"Y/n Y/LN!" came Dumbeldore's shout next. She walked forward and sat on the stool, making eye contact with Tom, who gave her a small, encouraging smile. She smiled back as the hat was placed on her head. It was silent for a moment as the hat thought, before shouting "RAVENCLAW!"

The Ravenclaw table erupted into cheers, drowning out Y/n's thoughts. She froze, this isn't what she wanted. She looked over to Tom once again, fear growing in her. Tom's smile had disappeared, and his expression was blank. She was ushered off the stool by Dumbeldore and trudged over to the blue table. She took a seat, ignoring the other members of her house, feeling miserable.

She hardly ate, feeling as if she could be sick. How could she be seperated from Tom? Would he even want to be friends with her still? She didn't think he would. And that thought made her stand up and run out the great hall, not wanting anyone to see her cry. Tom had seen her run out, just catching her expression, tears welling in her eyes and ran out after her.

He found her on the floor, head in her hands as she wept. "Y/n" he called her name softly. She wiped her tears and looked up. "What Tom? Are you here to tell me how angry you are? That we can't be friends anymore? Just forget it, I'll find some way to live without you" she spoke bitterly.

"I'm not here to tell you that, Y/n. Don't you know me by now? I can't be seperated from you, Y/N. You're my best friend" he says with a smile. "You still look good when you smile" Y/n mumbled, as she wiped her tears. Tom smirked, before helping her up and enveloping her in a hug. "We'll be best friends forever!" Tom exclaimed. "Promise?" she asked with a sniffle. "Promise" Tom whipered to her, making her smile.


After that rough start, Y/n and Tom had a normal first year. They would see each other in lessons sometimes, and would always sit together, getting their work done the quickest. They'd also meet at lunch, after lessons and at dinner. The pair remained near inseperable, which made them both happy.

In second year however, their timetbales changed, meaning Tom and Y/n got to see each other less. When they did meet, Tom was cold, giving her half hearted answers. She tried to figure out what she'd done wrong, but came up blank. Once, Y/n had asked Tom and he got angry, so she left it. Her friend was drifting away and she couldn't do anything.

When summer came round, Y/n panicked. Tom had somehow managed to charm professor Dippet into letting him stay with a boy he'd made friends with. Abraxas Malfoy. Y/n thought Abraxas was mean, and given how Tom had treated her this year, she was scared of talking to him. And so, Y/n was forced to return to the orphanage.

Without Tom by her side, the bullying started again. Y/n was beyond terrified, and would get beat up at least once a week. She prayed to Merlin, that summer would pass quickly so she could return to the safety of Hogwarts.


On the 4th week, Y/n went on a walk outside the orphanage at 11pm. She couldn't sleep, nightmares of Tom getting angry and hurting her plaguing her mind. She was lost in thought, when she heard a rustle behind her. She paused for a second, her wand gripped firmly in her hand, she turned slowly but there was nothing there.

She sighed and turned back, letting out a scream as she was grabbed by a man with white hair and 2 different coloured eyes. Y/n woke in a dark room, startling at the man who grabbed her standing in front of her.

"Don't be frightened my dear" he muttered, stepping towards her and stroking her hair, making her flinch. "I'm Gellert Grindelwald. Your mudblood mother defied me, so I decided why not get my revenge on her through you?" He chuckled, making a shiver run up Y/n's spine. "Y-you're Grindelwald? The dark wizard in the daily prophet?" she stuttered. "Clever girl, yes that's me, he grinned, making her squirm in fear. "You and me are going to have so much fun together" he chuckled again, before Y/n's vision went dark.

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