Betrayal (2)

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Trigger Warning: contains violence, torture, mental disorders (depression self-hate), manipulation, emotional torture, threatening, self-harm, suicide attempts, unrequited love.

July 1944


It's been a year since I was supposed to meet Tom at the lake. A year since I found out that he wasn't at all what he seemed. A year of pain, and a year of torture. It took 2 whole weeks for headmaster Dippet to declare me missing after Tom dragged me to this room. You'd think after not showing up to class for 2 weeks straight and having no word from the infirmary, that people might start to question where you are, but apparently not.

When it was declared, well...everyone panicked. They carried out searches throughout the castle but never found me. One time they came in but Tom had purposely cloaked me, and it seems they were none the wiser. Some wizards, huh?

They gave up after 4 months. Tom supposedly came forward and confessed that I was to meet him, but never made it. He claimed that all he saw at the lake was a ripped sleeve of my cardigan covered in blood. Really  he had cut it off, just smearing it with blood from my wrists. But the fools bought it and they told people I was dead, snatched by creatures from the lake. There was no funeral, nothing. They just carried on with their lives.

Over the course of this past year I have been brutally tortured to the point I can hardly think straight anymore. My brain hurts, my heart hurts, everything hurts. I sit here wishing I could go back. Wishing I wasn't so naive, so stupid. That I'd stayed away from him. Nothing can change the past, but I hate myself for it.

I've been beat repeatedly, starved, burned, drowned, buried alive, cut, branded strangled, all the worst things you could possibly do to a human. They never let me die though. Oh how sweet death would be. I'd welcome him with open arms if only to save myself from the misery of life.

I've not managed to figure out which has been worse, the physical abuse or the mental abuse. Tom's  followers come in every day, laughing in my face, threatening me when I am unresponsive, reminding me how pathetic I am. But when he comes in. It's the worst. He uses legillimency to torture me. Digging through all the worst memories and forcing me to relive them again and again.

He finds pleasure in my pain, always eager to make me scream and beg for mercy, knowing that no one will find me. He is a psychopath. He terrifies me, to no end. Everytime he walks into the room I try to brace myself for the pain, but no matter how prepared I think I am, he always wins. I hate him so much...

The door swings open and Tom walks in. Without saying a word, he stalks over to me and pulls a small silver key from his robe pocket. Had it always been there? I could've taken it. He begins to unlock the chains keeping me strapped to the floor. There's no way! Is he releasing me? How? Huh? Tom chuckled as he clearly listened to my thoughts.

"It's summer time, L/n. Leaving you in the castle means there's a chance you could be found. And nothing would stop you from confessing" Tom began. "N-no I won't tell, please let me go" I begged. "Oh foolish girl! You think I'd belive that? Even if you didn't confess, a few drops of veritaserum would tell them everything" Tom answered, causing what little hope I gained to drain back out of me.

"Where are you taking me then?" I asked my voice quivering. "You'll see when we get there. Now hold still" Tom commanded. He grabbed my arm and we apperated. My stomach twisted and I felt like I could throw up, but I held it in, not wanting to anger him. I slowly peeled open my eyes to see us in front of an old cottage in the middle of a forest.

Tom Riddle ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon