Sugar Mummy

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A/N: Y/n is on the board of Hogwarts governors. (She's 23, took her father's place after he died), Tom is 15, turning 16, UK age of consent used (16). Also please tell me if the title for this doesn't make sense, once I've published all parts. I really struggled naming this. 

Tom Riddle Era (1943)


I walk up to Hogwarts, the unfamiliar castle somehow providing me with a sense of comfort. I pause outside the gates, and take a deep breath, before entering. It had been 6 years since I'd left school. I'd gone to Durmstrang Institute upon my mother's wish for me to experience a magical school that wouldn't try to restrain students from accessing all types of magic and achieving our full potential.  

I head into the castle, and ask a student who is in Gryffindor (I believe) to direct me to the Headmaster's office. The girl smiles politely and guides me to the staircase leading up to the Headmaster's office. After repeatig the password the student told me, I walk up the stairs and knocks on Dippet's office door. 

After a brief introduction to the castle from him, I am sent to Dumbledore's office. I reach his office and hear voices from inside. I knock loudly, to be heard over their conversation, and soon enough it stops altogether. "Come in!" I hear Dumbledore call, and enter the room. My eyes land first on Dumbledore, then drift to who he was talking to. A student stands there, his robes accentuated with emerald green. 

My eyes linger on his 6'2 form for a while, and I'm thankful I put my heels on, making me just a few inches taller than the boy (I'm normally 6'0, now I'm 6'4). I pull my gaze away from the boy, and look at Dumbledore once again. "Apologies for the interruption. I'm Y/N Y/LN, I needed to talk to a professor about an issue related to acceptable magic here in the castle. Headmister Dippet directed me here" I tell professor Dumbledore.

"Ah, Miss Y/LN, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your father was quite the remarkable wizard" Dumbledore smiles at me, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon glasses. I observe him, and get an uneasy feeling, not to mention, I sense the clear tension between him and this boy. "Thank you, Dumbledore" I nod. "Now Miss Y/LN, I'm unfortunately going to be unavailable until lunch time as I have a lesson to teach. I'd be happy to meet you back here for a talk though?" he informs me.

"Of course, I can wait" I smile politely. "Ah, perhaps Mr Riddle here can give you a tour of the school?" Dumbledore suggests, his eyes landing on Tom. "Of course Professor" Tom grits out, before asking me to follow him. I nod politely at Dumbledore, then follow 'Mr Riddle' out his office.

"Bloody incompetent bastard! He wouldn't even see me when I needed, and he expects me to wait!" I huff to myself, once we're out of the office. I hear a chuckle, and turn to  face Tom. "So you don't like him either?" Tom asks with a smirk. "No, I don't. There's something off about him" I answer. "Finally. Someone actually agrees that the crackpot is annoying and a nosey git" Tom seethes, making me laugh. 

"It's clear as day, really. Only those lacking intelligence can't see that something is up. I'd love to have him kicked out. I've tried to discreetly bring up his faults at school board meetings, but a few words from him, and they all practically become his lapdogs" I scoff. "You're on the school board?" Tom asks me, raising a brow. "Yes. I took my father's position after he died. People think it was an accident, but I think Dumbles killed him for practicing the dark arts. I just can't prove it" I sigh.

"Really? That is quite the accusation. What makes you think that?" Tom asks in pure curiosity. "Well, Dumbledore didn't hide his 'distaste' for my father. Plus father always told me that he was successful in all his endeavours. He'd tell me death could only take his soul in old age and I believed him, because I'd seen his strength firsthand. He always warned that if he mysteriously died one day or disappeared, it'd be because of Dumbledore. And he did die in a way that surprised me. Supposedly, he was taken down by a mudblood" I scoff.

"My father would have rather been thrown into Azkaban for all his life, or publicly executed rather than let a mudblood take him down. The night of his murder, I received a letter by our family owl. It was a letter he'd written to me. He'd told me that the mission went wrong, and someone was after him. In all his life, a mission he had never went awry, so I knew something wasn't right" I explain.

Tom looks thoughtful once I'm done, and I can almost see the cogs in his mind turning. "That does seem unusual indeed" Tom nods. I smile, glad that he agrees. "So Tom, tell me more about you" I ask, waiting for him to speak to me. "Well..."


Tom told me all about how he was brought up in an orphanage, and the conditions of his birth.  I managed to get more information on what that environment is like, and unfortunately none of it is postive. Tom left shortly afterwards to his next lesson and I decided to leave rather than wait around for Dumbledore.  As I go, I think of all that Tom has told me and I make the decision to become his legal guardian. The process in the wizarding world is much faster than in the muggle world. 

Applications only take 2 weeks to be processed, then a decision is made, meaning if I hand in an application now, I should get a response back just before his birthday. I briefly brought up the topic of adoption, or being sent to a foster home with Tom, and he didn't like the idea too much, but he admitted he'd rather take it over having to go back to that dingy orphanage for another 3 years. The instant I get back to the estate, I fill in an application I had brought home a few days ago, when I first decided to beocme the legal guardian of a poor or orphaned child. I attached the application to my owl's leg, and send it off.


The ministry accepted my application! Now all I have to do is show Tom the contract and get him to sign it. His birthday is tomorrow, and I'm going to visit him at the orphanage. I'll show him the contract as an extra gift with the ones I've already got him. I was so impressed when I met him, that I want to offer him the best. I really hope he takes the offer!

Tom Riddle ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum