My Muggle

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Me and Tom met in Wool's orphanage. Tom's mother had passed whilst giving birth and his father had abandoned him. My parents on the other hand were disgusted to have a girl when they wanted a boy. I was told that my parents had dumped me in a basket outside in a back alley far from their house, at just 2 years old.

I was found by an old man and immediately taken to the authorities. They'd sent me to the orphanage, and there, I was raised by a matron by the name of Mrs Cole alongside Tom Riddle. As the years went by, we became close, and it felt as if it was us against the rest of the world. All that changed though. Suddenly, Tom was visited by an old man who claimed that he was a wizard, and so was Tom.

Despite Tom's reaction to the man, I knew Tom was glad to finally escape the orphanage. Well, at least for most of the year. I had asked the man if I was magical too, but he told me I wasn't. He gave Tom a letter to join his magical school and left. I was genuinely happy for Tom, don't get me wrong, but I was also incredibly envious. I had to hide it though, so as to not upset my best friend, but on the inside, I felt my world crumbling.

The day Tom left for 'Hogwarts' was definitely the worst. I'd woken up only to find out he was already gone. He hadn't come to say goodbye after I stuck by his side all these years. Initially, I was overwhelmed with anger, but that soon dissipated and was replaced by fear, as I realised that I'd have to survive the orphanage alone. We had always had each other's backs and fought off the bullies, but without him, I'd be left vulnerable and they'd definitely take advantage of him leaving.

And they did. The same day, I was bullied by the same boys that had once beat me in the past, after stepping between them and Tom. For a whole year, I endured their taunts and torture. I had hoped Tom would return during the holidays, like he had told me he would, but when he didn't I knew I was completely alone. Eventually, when the nightmares and the panic attacks became too much, I ran away.

Unsurprisingly, no one bothered to look for me. They simply proclaimed me dead 24 hours after I ran from the orphanage. Having nowhere to go, I ended up on the streets. I had nowhere to sleep, nowhere to get hot food. I figured soon enough I had to fend for myself. Another girl around the age of 16 at the time, taught me to pickpocket. I was never able to get much, but it was enough to get me at least 1 meal a day. 2 years later, me and the older girl joined a gang. We started off as runners, doing small jobs for them.

We managed to gain their trust, and they loved how small and nimble I was. At 16, I hit puberty, having a growth spurt and my appearance changed significantly. I was a less nimble, but still a good runner. I could now also utilise my 'feminie goods' to manipulate and seduce the people I stole from. By 18, I had been taught to use a gun, learned how to knife throw, and how to hide both stolen goods and drugs.

Now at the age of 23, 12 years on from when I escaped that awful orphanage, I lead the gang, and have even managed to make connections with members if the Mexican cartel, the Italian mafia, and the Russian mafia.


Today, we're working on a big job. My Russian allies are bringing in a large volume of Class A drugs, worth around £5 million. If we manage to sell this for £8 million, like I think we can, we're gonna be a whole lot richer. We have a trap set up and ready, just in case on of our rivals manage to hear about this.

People would think there's a mole in our ranks, but orders of this size are always heard of. Especially because some of these Russian gangsters are untrustworthy. The shipment has reportedly landed, and the distribution trucks are on their way. It's just a waiting game for now. For a while, nothing, until suddenly a group of men burst through the nearby alleyway, stumbling into our trap.

We all raise our guns, ready to kill, and at the same time, the men, who are covered by black robes and these strange masks raise their... wands? Oh shit! These are wizards, we don't stand a chance! I think to myself and pray, they are somehow not hostile. One of the men lifts his wand and mutters something like 'filthy muggles' and seems to be about to cast a spell, and our members cock their guns, when another wizard, who must be the leader, speaks.

"Lower your wand Lestrange!" he commands. The follower does as he's told, and I realise there is something familiar about his voice. But no, it can't be. What are the chances? When none of them speak, I whip out two guns, and walk out to the leader. I take the safety off of both, then point one gun at the leader's head and the other at his dick.

His followers all raise their wands, but he holds up a palm, signalling them to stop, and they do. "Reveal yourself, Warlock, or first you lose your dick, then your brain!" I command the leader. He chuckles slightly, then speaks again. "My, my L/N, you really have changed" he says, before removing his mask and hood to reveal: "Tom Riddle..."

A/N: his POV will be in pt 2

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