Tom Riddle's Diary (4)

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This chapter is dedicated to Mackenziie88

Golden Trio Era (CoS)


The next day, I wake up, feeling ecstatic. Today, Tom must fulfill his end of the deal and make me his queen. He will declare me his superior and kneel before me in front of his followers. I know you're wondering how will he do it?

He's Voldemort, there's no way he'll uphold his side of the agreement. Well, it's rather simple, actually. I can go about this in 2 ways. 1, I can force him, or 2, I can persuade him. And knowing what he's like, I can make him agree.

After doing my usual morning routine, I tie my hair up into an elegant, yet professional bun. The make-up look I choose is simple, yet powerful.

I then slide into a black velvet dress with a sweetheart necklace and gold embroidery

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I then slide into a black velvet dress with a sweetheart necklace and gold embroidery. I put on gold jewelry to match and some black and gold heels. I spray my signature perfume and smirk at my reflection. Perhaps this look will help charm Tom so I don't have to threaten him.

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With my head held high, I strut out of the room and go to find the dining room

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With my head held high, I strut out of the room and go to find the dining room. Thankfully, a house elf appears suddenly, informing me that his 'master' is waiting. I grin to myself and follow the elf to the dining room.

When I enter, Tom is sat reading the daily prophet. "Good morning Riddle" I greet, clearing my throat to gain his attention. He looks up to me, his eyes widening a little and his jaw going slack. I smirk at his reaction, knowing I will get what I want today. He scans my body, top to bottom, his eyes lingering on my breasts. "Like what you see, Tom?" I ask, teasingly.

He snaps out of his reverie at that comment, and drags his eyes up to meet mine. "Don't flatter yourself, Y/ln. What are you wearing that for anyways?" he asks trying to sound irritated, making me chuckle.

"Did you forget our deal, Tom? You agreed to make me your queen, declare me as your superior and the most powerful being in the wizarding world, and that you will kneel before me in front of all of your followers" I smirk.

"You must be stupid if you thought I'd actually do that, Y/ln!" he chuckles mockingly. "Oh, honey. You will do this. Whether you decide to do it willingly or if I have to force you. It doesn't really bother me" I grin. "

You will force me?!" he asks exasperatedly. "Yes. The same way I beat you in that duel yesterday, I will beat you today, literally. Then I'll use the imperius curse, to make you obey. Or... there is a more pleasant option for both of us. Are you willing to hear it?" I ask, my smirk widening.

"Spit it out then!" he demands, with a scoff. "The alternative, is that you willingly accept to the terms we originally agreed to. In front of your followers, you will treat me as your queen. But, when it is just the two of us, I will be like your slave.

I'll willingly submit to you, obeying all your commands. I'll worship you, hell, I'll worship the very ground you walk on and take any punishments you give without complaint, if you ever feel that I have disrespected you" I tell him. I watch his eyes glint at my words, and know he's considering it. So I add in a few more sweet words, which should hopefully sway him.

"Just think, I will belong to you. Your property, your doll. You can do whatever you want with me, I'll accept it, just as long as you agree to the previous terms I asked for. This way we both get what we want. I'll get to be your queen and you will get me as a slave, too.

So...what do you say, Tom?" I ask. He doesn't reply at first, thinking about everything carefully. I can almost see the cogs turning in his mind as he contemplates everything I've said. "Deal, Y/ln!" he grins, himself. "Good, lets not delay then and get me announced as your queen, yes?" I ask. "As you wish, Doll" he grins. He presses his wand onto the tattoo on his left forearm, summoning his followers.

30 minutes later

Shortly after Tom summoned his deatheaters, the dark mark appeared in the sky. I smirked as I looked at the sky, feeling a sense of pride. Tom had left after breakfast to change into 'more suitable attire for the occasion.' When he returned, my jaw dropped. He looked so regal, he wore an all black suit, minus the blazer.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the dark mark on his forearm on show. He adorned chunky silver rings, along with his Gaunt family ring, and a silver watch sat on his left wrist. Once my gaze slipped down to his hands, it was hard to look elsewhere after. The size of his hands, his slender fingers an prominent veins took my mind to sinful places.

"Well, Doll? How do I look?" he asks with a smirk. "Y-you look handsome, like a king, My Lord" I stutter a little, but ensure I use those specific titles to please him. "Handsome, you say? Good, I bet your looking at me and thinking really dirty thoughts now, huh? My little whore" he degrades.

I try to deny it, but my body betrays me, as my cheeks go pink, making him smirk wider. Yet, he doesn't get the chance to say anything more as a house elf appears, informing him that his followers have arrived. He looks at me, his usual smirk present on his expression, and holds his hand out for me. "Come on then, Y/n. It's time you become my queen"

Tom's outfit:

Tom's outfit:

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