I expected that she wanted me separate from the group, not because I was 17 (which I wasn't), but because my academic level and I suppose... my attractiveness? She had spoken to me before this, Gabrielle and Fleur present, and she had asked us who would like to walk with her. She said all of us were very smart and had an equal level of attractiveness. My sisters chose me unfortunately.

I didn't really enjoy being the center of attention but it is was it is.

Soon enough, I expected the school of Durmstrang got here, because we could here the Hogwarts attendees going into the Great Hall, where they ate.

"Ready?" Madame Maxime asked us, and everyone nodded.

First the Bellefeuilles went in, and I could here some guys whistling. I hope it wasn't for either of my sisters. Then the Papillonlisses went in and I could hear the butterflies fluttering around.

Finally, the Ombrelunes went in and more guys wolf-whistled. I looked at Madame Maxime and she smiled down at me and we walked in.

I studied the Great Hall, ignoring the many wolf-whistles and howls. God, how immature are these guys?

I looked around and spotted the redhead who winked at me, and before he could wink once more, I beat him to it. I gave him a small wink and he smiled at me, turning to his brother, who looked like he had been a clone. They were identical twins.

I watched as Madame Maxime shook Dumbledore's hand, and then we turned to see the Durmstrang's entrance. It was pretty good, I cannot lie. Viktor Krum and Igor Karkaroff walked in last, like Madame Maxime and I.

Both of our headmasters told us to go sit down. While almost all of the Beauxbatons girls, with an exception of a few, went to sit and the Ravenclaw table, I went to the Gryffindor table where the two twins were sat.

After Dumbledore finished a small speech, food appeared. Thankfully it wasn't just English food, but it also included French food and Bulgarian food.

I picked up a bowl of Bouillabaisse and put some on my plate.

"So, who're you?" One of the redheads asked and I looked up at them.

"I'm Elize Delacour," I answered. Thankfully, I had been speaking in English longer than my family, so I was able to drop most of my French accent.

"Are you a Veela?" The other asked, and I nodded.

"Wicked," they said in sync.

"I'm Fred Weasley," the one that winked at me said, "and I'm George," the other said.

"So, when you're angry, does your head turn into a bird?" George asked, and Fred looked at me, intrigued.

"No, but if you get my Mami angry then she'll have a birds head," I answered truthfully. I was always confused why that didn't happen to me, I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad it doesn't happen to me but why not?

My Mami is a full Veela, and she married a half-veela, my Papi. They had a child, my mum, and she was half-veela. She married a full Veela. My sister, Fleur, who is older than me, is a half-veela, just like Gabby. Though I'm a full Veela.

"Well that's good. I kind of don't want to walk in on a girl with a birds head squawking at me," Fred laughed.

I finished off my Bouillabaisse and set down my fork.

"Is there any wine?" I asked, and the two redheads looked at each other.


"Yeah! At Beauxbatons they serve wine with dinner, and once we're done we have cheese and dessert," I explained.

"Unfortunately there's no wine. I'm assuming Professor Dumbledore doesn't want his kids getting tipsy," Fred laughed.

"And let me guess, that doesn't stop you from sneaking in other alcohol drinks?" I laughed, and they nodded.

Soon enough, all the dinner disappeared and it revealed a beautiful variety of desserts. I turned to look at Gabrielle, who was sitting a little ways down talking to some other kids her age.

"Pad de vin, ni de fromage! C'est fou!" I said to her, and she nodded.

I picked up a French dish with a variety of chocolates, and picked up my favorite kind: Valrhona chocolate.

I popped one into my mouth, and chewed it up, the chocolate melting in my mouth.

"You want one?" I asked the two boys, and they looked at it, picked one up, and each put one into their mouth.

"That's amazing!" They both said, and picked up another.

I also took some more.

"El! Tu peux me passer ces chocolats Valrhona?" Gabrielle yelled from down the table, and sent it towards her using my magic. With my wand out, I decided to conjure up a small blue butterfly the fluttered around our heads.

"That's cool," Fred said, trying to catch the butterfly, but failed immensely when it quickly sped up and landed on my nose. I waved my wand and it disappeared.

Soon enough, all the desserts disappeared, and we all turned to look at Dumbledore, who had stood up to make a speech.

"I hope everyone, especially the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegates, enjoyed this meal with a variety of food choices," he said.

"Anyone above the age of 17 or at the age of 17 will have the chance to enter their name into the goblet. Just so you know, I have made sure that no one under the age of 17 will be allowed to enter their name. You will not fool the goblet. For of age wizards and witches, I'd like to tell you people that this challenge is not for the faint of heart, and the champions will go through three challenges to get the Triwizard cup. Unfortunately, the challenge names are confidential, and only myself and the headmasters of each visiting school know what they are.

"Now, I know how important it is for everyone here to be alert and ready. Lessons will continue like normal, and of age wizards will be allowed to enter their names until tomorrow night, when the champions are chosen. Now, pip pip!"

I got up and met up with Gabrielle and Fleur, and soon enough more Beauxbatons girls joined us, waiting for Madame Maxime.

"Allez, allez, nous allons à la calèche," Madame Maxime said, and we all followed her back outside to the carriage, that, once we stepped in, had clearly grown inside to be able to fit all 70 students maybe into the carriage, along with bedrooms that held 4 beds each, and 10 bathrooms.

I grabbed my pajamas, which were periwinkle blue silky pajamas with black lining the edges. It was a button up short-sleeved shirt with matching shorts. I tied my hair up into a bun and brushed my teeth quickly and went to a bedroom. My friend, Amélie, was already in there getting ready to go to sleep.

"Bonne nuit, Elize," Amélie said to me.

"Bonne nuit," I replied, and climbed up to one of the top bunks, and faced her. Soon enough Fleur and Gabrielle came in and took the two bottom bunks, Gabrielle under Amélie and Fleur under me.

"Bonne nuit, I love you," I said to Fleur and Gabby, and they said it back. Soon enough, we all fell into a peaceful sleep.

Je vous aime aussi les gars.
(I love you guys too.)

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