Chapter Fifty-Four: Sovereign's Dance

Start from the beginning

"Here I come, everyone. I will prepare my first strike," she declared, her voice a firm proclamation of her intent. The skies above, once a witness, now looked upon her with obedience. With an almost leisurely swing of her sword, she demonstrated the formidable power that was hers to wield—a spectral slash of moonlight carved its path towards the heavens.

The slash, a wave of ethereal might, ascended silently, its trail a cascade of light droplets that seemed to imbue the very soul with their essence. Upon its contact with the celestial dome, a sound akin to a glass fracture whispered through the domain. Cracks spider-webbed across the sky where her power met the heavens, resembling a mimic slash that soon parted to reveal the opening of a void, a portal to the space she had occupied during her spar with her siblings.

This self-crafted gateway bridged her world with the next, and the influx of life beyond her domain washed over her senses. With preternatural clarity, she pinpointed the location of her siblings. A smile graced her lips, and with the object of noble phantasm in her left hand—a beacon of connection between her divinity and her humanity—she summoned them. Her call was not a request but a command that could not be denied.


Bathed in blinding whiteness, the siblings found themselves abruptly summoned into an otherworldly expanse. As their eyes adjusted, they took in the sight of their new surroundings—a realm that transcended joy and nostalgia and demanded a grave seriousness. They stood amidst the sky of light, a celestial firmament that defied all logic.

Before them, an architectural wonder stretched towards the firmament—a cathedral not of this reality, crafted from materials both known and unfathomable. The towering columns, adorned with ornate carvings, seemed to pierce the heavens themselves. Winged statues, both awe-inspiring and intimidating, were interwoven into the very walls, a testament to the divine craftsmanship that shaped this ethereal court.

Light cascaded through the grand edifice, its gentle luminescence casting a sacred glow over all it touched. It was a scene of tranquility, of otherworldly peace that seemed to still the very air.

"A world that has no resemblance to our own, a dimension constructed by a deity," Yara mused, catching a snowlike particle upon her palm. It did not melt, but remained a perfect crystalline snowflake, untainted by the warmth of her skin.

Seris, with a smile playing upon her lips, surveyed the realm with an air of contentment. The rapidity of Jingliu's ascension had been sudden, yet the completeness of it left no room for doubt. "She has truly done it. Well done, Jingliu," she whispered, admiration lacing her voice as her eyes danced over the primordial designs before them, marveling at the aesthetic wrought from the very idea of creation.

Adabas' gaze wandered until it settled on a solitary figure standing before the cathedral, prompting a knowing smile. "Everyone, look forward. The Nighthilt Sovereign has decided to grace us with her presence," she announced. At her beckoning, all eyes turned towards the figure that had called them forth.

There, before the grandiose gates of the cathedral, stood Jingliu—her transformation into sovereignty complete. The Nighthilt Sovereign, a title newly forged, yet already heavy with the weight of her accomplishments.

"Greetings, everyone," Jingliu's voice, rich with the timbre of newfound authority, resonated across the expanse, demanding respect not as an echo, but as a testament to her presence. The cause of this compelling effect remained ambiguous—whether a byproduct of her ascended status or a testament to her increased power, Jingliu mused that it was likely both.

She surveyed her siblings, her gaze free from the weight of uncertainty that once clouded her vision. They returned her look with an understanding that spoke of pride and recognition of her achievements—a shared sentiment that resonated deeply within each of them.

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