A Lovely Night

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Angel came back to the hotel after a grueling day of work with Valentino. Val had poor Angel working on about five different shoots, dealing with ten clients, and performing at the club. By the end of it all, Angel was exhausted and felt gross from his clients plus Valentino. Instead of getting a drink from the bar, he plopped himself onto the couch in the lobby, groaning from the long day. All Angel wanted to do was rest for a while, shower, and have at least a few moments with Alastor. Just before he was about to take a quick nap, he felt something rubbing against his hand, his piglet, Fat Nuggets.

"Nuggs? Why are you out of my room?" Angel asked.

That was when Angel noticed a letter in the pig's mouth that had his name on it. He opened the letter and he recognized Alastors' fancy handwriting since Alastor liked to leave little notes on his bed before he left for work. The note read, Follow the pig for a little surprise, mon ange. Angel watches his piglet walk up the stairs. Curious, Angel decided to follow Fat Nuggest up the stairs. Fat Nuggets led Angel to Alastor's room; Alastor never let anyone in his room, not even Angel was allowed. Angel was nervous about entering Alastor's room without permission. But when he saw Fat Nuggets scratching at the door, he pushed the feeling away and went inside.

Angel expected Alastor's room to be creep-looking with human bodies hanging every where, and voodoo dolls and spellbooks on a shelf. But Alastor's room was anything but that. Well, he did have some antlers hanging on the walls but that wasn't the only strange thing, his room was split in two. The room was a mixture between both traditional décor and the fantastical, with one half being a classic "fancy study", complete with tasteful wallpaper and furnishings, the other half being identical to the Bayou in New Orleans conjured as a dining area. Angel thought the bayou part of the room was kind of beautiful.

The spider demon stepped into the room; he could hear sweet jazz music playing all around the room. He felt so undressed and he didn't want Alastor to see how disguising he looked. Suddenly, Angel felt someone touch his shoulder and he felt scared thinking that he was going to die. He started panicking and panting like crazy; tears streamed down his face, thinking that he was gonna get punished. He felt strong arms wrap around his body; then he felt someone rubbing his back to calm him down. He looked up to see that it was Alastor; he wiped away Angel's tears and then planted a little kiss on his forehead.

"A-Al? I'm sorry. I know you don't..."

Alastor put a finger on Angel's lips to get him to stop talking. "Now, now, my dear. I sent that note and I allowed you to come in." Alastor stated.

"But why?" Angel asked.

Alastor pointed to a little picnic that was all set up in the bayou with all of Angel's favorite foods and there was even some of Alastor's famous jambalaya. Angel was shocked and speechless but then he looked at himself and then at Alastor. "I think I'm a little too gross for a date night," Angel said.

"Nonsense. There's a shower in my room. You can freshen up in there." Alastor stated.

Angel thanked him and then went into the bathroom to freshen up. Angel felt so much better after a shower but then he realized that he didn't have any clothes from his bedroom. He peered his head out of the bathroom door and asked Alastor if he had any spare clothes. Alastor snapped his fingers then some nice clothes appeared in the bathroom just for Angel. Angel saw that Alastor had given him a beautiful dress. He quickly put it on and then looked in the mirror to see how he looked in the dress. But when he looked at his face, his insecurities got the better of him, thinking that he needed to cover his face up with makeup.

He walked out of the bathroom wearing the dress but he was nervously rubbing his arm, afraid that Alastor would say something. Alastor walked over to Angel and then he gently lifted Angel's chin so he could look at his beautiful spider. Angel wanted to look away but Alastor whispered into his ear that he was beautiful just as he was. Angel's face flushed red hearing Alastor's kind words. Alastor led Angel to the picnic area and started serving Angel his favorite meals. The two lovers were just eating and talking without a care in the world. Alastor even played a slow song on the radio and asked Angel to dance with him.

Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, What If?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt