Family Matters

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Warning suicide and abuse mentioned. Also very heavy angst. 

Ever since the Halloween party and finding out that Arackniss had a family, Angel barely left the hotel. He wouldn't even come out of his room for food; Niffty would just leave it outside the door. Angel stopped coming to Kara's club for work and he wouldn't even show up at the porn studio for Valentino. Kara tried everything to get Angel to come out of his room. She brought his meals to his room, slipped notes under the door, and left little gifts for Angel, but nothing worked. Kara was worried about Angel when he never came out of his room. Kara even called up Molly and Arackniss for any advice but she couldn't get a hold of them.

When phone calls didn't work, she decided to go see them in person along with Angel's father. She didn't tell Charlie or anyone else in the hotel where she was going. Her first stop was Sir Pentious's manor to talk to Arackniss. When she arrived at the manor, she knocked on the door, expecting Arackniss to answer it. But to her surprise, Pentious was the one who opened the door with Jackie hiding behind him in a shy way. He was surprised to see Kara at the door. Jackie peeked out from behind his father and gave her a small wave. She waved back at Jackie.

"Kara, what brings you to my home?" Pentious asked.

"Is Arackniss here? I want to talk to him about what happened on Halloween." Kara stated.

"Um, well, he is here. So is Henroin and I don't think..."

"Oh perfect. I need to him as well so, may I come in?" Kara asked.

Pentious reluctantly let Kara come in then he and Jackie went upstairs. Kara wasn't sure what that was all about but something told her that she was about to get her answer. She could hear Arackniss and Henroin screaming at each other from the other room. Kara ran towards the room and found the two spiders arguing. "I don't know how you found out about me and Penn. But I want you to stay away from us! Especially Jackie!" Arackniss shouted.

"I told you I have eyes everywhere! And I know what's going on with my kids! And when they are lying to me!" Henroin shouted back.

"Oh, here we go again! You haven't acted like a father in years. You shut out me and Molls, you abused Anthony to the point of death! And now here you are, acting like you've changed! You never cared about us!"

"Well, I'm trying! I'm still your father!"

"Don't think I forgot!"

Kara let out a loud whistle that got both spiders' attention. "Ok, that's enough!" she screamed. "This is getting out of hand! You two come with me, now!"

Both spiders tried to argue but Kara gave them a death glare and that shut them up. They followed her back to the hotel then she told them to head inside her office and wait for her. Arackniss was the only one who went into her office. Henroin insisted that he wanted to see Angel and talked to him. Kara led Henroin to Angel's room which was down the hall. However, instead of knocking on the door, she kicked the door open. But what she saw left her speechless; Angel's room looked like a hurricane had hit it from the inside. The bed had piles of clothing on it, some were even in Fat Nuggets' little bed.

There were even dirty plates on the floor and food under his bed. "And now I know why Niffty never comes into Angels' room," she muttered.

Even Henroin looked like he was about to have a stroke seeing the huge mess. "This can't be Anthony's room. I know for a fact that he always kept his room clean." Henroin stated.

Kara was about to speak when they both heard the sounds of someone throwing up in the bathroom. Kara and Henroin ran over to the bathroom door. Kara knocked on the door, hoping that Angel would open up. "Angel, I know you're in there! Open up!" Kara shouted.

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