You've Been Stuck By A Smooth Criminal

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Alastor's been on an emotional roller coaster of emotions these past few days, every time he would see Angel in the lobby, his stomach would do flips. He started to see Angel as something more than a free-loading prankster. But he had no idea why he was feeling this way. He had to keep his emotions in check around Angel, not wanting to draw any attention. He would often walk by Angel's room listening to him playing with his pet piglet or dancing to some old jazz songs. Alastor liked seeing that side of Angel; the side where he saw Angel's pure smile and joy before all of the abuse with Valentino.

Angel mostly left his room to work with Kara at her club or attend therapy sessions with her. Other than that, he mostly kept to himself. He did like working at Kara's club; he got free drinks, no one was sexually harassing him, he could wear whatever he wanted, and he could perform without acting too sexy. Kara would be there to tell Angel that he was doing a great job or to comfort him after his "meetings" with Valentino. Kara thought of Angel as her younger brother; she didn't have siblings when she was alive. She did sometimes have to leave the Pride Ring for business, but no one knew where she went.

At least up until one day when Angel decided to join her. Kara let Charlie know that she was going out on business for a bit in another ring for the day. When Angel heard that she was leaving, he begged Kara to let him tag along for the day. "Angel, I don't know. I normally go by myself." Kara said.

"Come on, K! I've never been outside of Pride. It'll just be one day." Angel begged.

Kara sighed and then looked at her watch since she needed to take elevator 666 to get to the ring she was heading to. So, she agreed to take Angel with her; knowing that Angel would have followed her anyway. The two of them headed out to the elevator station where thankfully, they arrived just in time for the elevator to move. "So where are we heading? Greed? Sloth? Envy? Wrath?" Angel listed off a few of the seven rings.

"We are heading to meet an old friend in the Lust Ring," Kara answered.

Angel's eyes widened with stars in them; Lust Ring was filled with some of the sexiest demons there that work in nightclubs. Of course, Angel had heard stories from a few of the girls that used to work in the Lust Ring that it could also be a hot spot for stripers to be raped. When the elevator announced that they had arrived in Lust, both Angel and Kara walked out of the elevator. Kara had been to Lust a few times so she knew this ring like the back of her hand. She took Angel through the city and then they arrived at their destination, Ozzie's. The place looked like a replica of the Moulin Rouge club in the human world.

The bouncer let the two of them inside Ozzie's which was packed. "Oh my. And I thought Valentino's club was lively." Angel commented.

"Valentino is just a rip-off of the real Lord of Lust. Now then, he'll be waiting backstage. Stay close." Kara stated.

Angel followed Kara backstage where a lot of dancers were either chatting with each other or getting ready to perform. Some of them smiled or waved at Kara knowing who she was. The two reached a VIP room that led to the balcony of the club. When the two of them walked in, they came face to face with the embodiment of Lust himself, Asmodeus, and the jester imp, Fizzarolli. Angel had to compose himself so as not to freak out; Kara knew the King of Lust. Asmodeus took Kara's hand and then he kissed it as he welcomed her to his club. Even Fizz was excited to see Kara again.

"Oz, you don't have to act all royal around me. We're friends here." Kara said.

Angel's mouth dropped open, "How do you know the King of Lust?!" he asked with shock.

"Oh, Oz? He's the one who helped me find my passion for performing again. So, every now and then he asks me to do a little performance in his club." Kara answered.

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