This is Halloween

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Here are the costumes for each of the characters for this chapter.

Alastor: Dr. Facilier (Princess and the Frog)

Angel Dust: Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame)

Andy: Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

Charlie: Glinda (Wicked)

Husk: No costume.

Kara: Satine (Moulin Rouge)

Niffty: Elphaba (Wicked)

Vaggie: Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)

Another day in Hell only this day was more remarkable in the human world, Halloween. The time of the year when humans dress up in scary or fun costumes, eat candy, have spooky Halloween parties, or create a haunted house. Lots of sinners in Hell still recall their fun Halloween times before the whole being dead thing. Thought, many hellborn demons didn't get the whole excitement over this holiday. Down at the Hazbin Hotel, both Andy and Kara were decorating the hotel lobby with spooky Halloween decorations that Kara had conjured up. She loved Halloween; it was her favorite holiday.

Husk ignored the decorations that the two of them had put all around the hotel. Husk grabbed a bottle of booze but he had only taken one sip from the bottle before spattering out the booze, sputtering and coughing. "What the hell? Who put salt in my booze?!" Husk shouted.

Kara snickered at the little prank that someone had done to Husk. Just then Angel popped out of the shadows and tried to scare Kara but she didn't even jump in fear. "What? Nothing?" Angel asked in confusion.

"Takes a lot more than a jump scare to scare me." Kara stated, "But nice prank on Husk."

Niffty, Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor came down to the lobby only to find it all decorated with fake spiders, webs, and rubber bats. "What's with the lobby?" Vaggie asked.

"It's Halloween Vags! The spookiest time of the year." Andy stated as he placed a jack-o-lantern on the bar table.

"You can't tell us that you guys never celebrated Halloween when you were alive?" Kara asked.

All of them shook their heads, which was a shock for both Andy and Kara. That was when Kara had the perfect idea, she was going to bring them to a Halloween party. Vaggie was dead set against the idea; sinners can't just leave Hell. Of course, Kara had found a loophole for that, Queen Bee was hosting a Halloween party in Gluttony. Plus she wanted to make costumes for everyone. Vaggie just rolled her eyes but Charlie loved the idea. Though, Husk turned down the idea of joining them; he already got annoyed by Angel's prank. Kara chuckled then she immediately went up to her guest room which doubled as her sewing room.

She spent most of the day sewing the costumes together, but she noticed that she was running low on fabric. She needed a little more fabric to complete the rest of the costumes. So she grabbed her purse and then made sure that her room was locked so no one would go into her room. She headed out to the Hotel and headed to her favorite shop downtown. She had only just walked inside when she bumped into someone. That someone was Fizzarolli, he never leaves the Lust Ring alone and yet he was here, alone. "Fizz, what brings you to Pride?" Kara asked.

"I needed some supplies for me and Asmodeus's costumes. We're going to Bee's party. I'm guessing we'll be seeing you there as well." Fizzarolli said.

"Yeah. I ran out of material for the final touches on the costumes. I'm bringing Charlie and her crew to the party. I need to get them out of the hotel." Kara explained.

Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, What If?Where stories live. Discover now