30...(final part)

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Calum's POV

I wake up naked pressed tightly against my giant of a boyfriend. My lower region sends me a message to go for a pee. Using all of my force I swing my tired legs over the side of the bed. The second I stand up my balance gives way as I fall to the ground.

Last night we didn't use lube so my asš is going to hurt more than usual. Scuffing my cold feet across the room to Luke's en suite, my hand grabs my bum to try and stop the pain. I do my business and wash my hands. Deciding to brush my teeth I squirt some tooth paste onto my toothbrush.

"Hello" Luke says picking up his ringing phone. "Are you sure he has to go?" I press my ear to the wall "okay I understand thank you, see you there" I spit the paste into the sink while washing it down the plug hole.

"Who was that lukey?" He sighs and kisses my forehead.

"It was the police, they need you to go to court and speak to Ashton" all of the blood in my body runs thick and my head gets lighter. Placing my fingers at my temples, Luke wraps a blanket around me.

"Hey babe, sit down. Deep breathes" doing as he says I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. Keeping a steady breathing pattern.

"I can be in the room when you talk to the judge, but I can't be there when you speak to him alone"

"A-alone? I d-didn't know I w-would be speaking to him alone." Luke simply cradles me into his chest rubbing my back up and down. While whispering nothing's into my ear. He tells me about how much he never stops thinking about me. How he wants to grow old with me, and have a family.


"Don't worry Cal, there are security cameras in there so he can't touch you" the tears well up in my eyes as I fiddle with the ends of my sweater.

"Mr Hood, let's go" a security guard lightly pushes me away from Luke. For the last second that I see him I mouth the word "I love you".

Taking a shaky breathe I push the door open.

"Hey baby" the smug curly headed freak bites his lip as he stares me up and down. I know this feeling to well.

"S-shut up" he sits up in his seat playing with his fingers.

"I hope that Luke is keeping you nice and stretched, and you still wear them hot panties that I brought you"

Pulling my sweater paws thurther down my hands I look the other way to him.

"Naw baby cheer up, I'll be able to fûck you soon enough"

"No you won't, you are going behind bars." My voice gets quieter and quieter.

"Aww sexy, I can't go behind bars for making love to you"

"NO ASHTON YOU RAPED ME. YOU RAPED ME. YOU Raped m" my body gives up as I slump back in my seat crying into the sweaty palms below me.

"Don't lie to me Calum, you loved it" I have had enough. Waving my right hand I signal the guards to get me out. A buzzer goes off and my legs carry me out of the room. At the end of the corridor stands Luke. Everything goes in slow motion as I run fast towards him.

We embrace in a warm hug as he picks me up and cradles my shaking body.

"I heard what that asš hole said to you" nothing come out of me just muffled crying.

"Cmon lets go and watch him get put behind bars for good"


"What do you mean the court session has been cancelled" the guards stand there clueless.

"You see Calum, I have a lot of money and well money does stuff for you" Ashton comes behind me tracing the goosebumps on my neck.

"Where is your boyfriend when you need him hmm?"

"He went to the toilet" my lips tremble

"I said that I will fûck you again" there is no space between us, I am frozen still not able to move.

"I told you so"


So it's over, well I want to do a sequel. Should I do one? I'll explain it all in the thank you note.

Well bye


I told you so, cake ✔️Where stories live. Discover now