The Black Dawn of Gaia Hand of Judas part:6.5

Start from the beginning

Then I text Mother Lilly

Me: I'm almost out of here. I'm just getting the work done. I will have Orchi Sama teleport me and the car to the church and make sure all the kids are asleep, and you have documents in. I have some (classified top information that I can't disclose over text. Make sure to meet me at the watch tower next to the shrine of the Great East wing of the church. I know you are a new agent, so you might get lost in that massive bloody maze of a church .)I miss Emma and the other rugrats. I hope they are doing okay.

Excuse me, white, don't forget to call Mayor Greyward, then head to Dales to pick up some upgrades. Also, you can have some of my cigars. Since you almost went mad, I wish I could have been there to help. Dr Ringelnatter grabs one of his expensive cigars. It was in a jade box that had eastern water dragons and serpents. He gave half of the 50 cigars, putting them in one of those medical bags; to warn you, father white, those cigars have druid cannabis that Verdans Forrest nymphs have blessed.

Thanks, my favorite kind. I used to smoke before the battle. I smiled as I took the bag from him. Make sure you smoke those alone. They will help you with some of that PTSD you face. Also, get a haircut and clean shave at Dale; we can't have one of our favorite employees look bad. Anyway, I hope you have a nice day said Dr.Ringelnatter. He rolls all the way over to another department.

I then texted
Orchi sama, can you please 🙏 teleport me and my car to Dale *bows down all the way *

Dr. Orchi 🐍🧬🧿🦾: sure, whatever. Every time I teleport you that counts as a donation to the church. Also, you need to head back to church ASAP. Also, tell Gold I said hi, and I hope he in his sons are doing okay; also, don't ever text me like how you, Emma, text again just for a fucking favor. When you know, I will do anything for my war brothers. Have a good night, white. Also, talk to me if you need one of our psychological services or if you need to vent to someone who faces the same demons you have.

Then I felt my very soul and atoms transform into atoms. I teleport to the black pearl; my car was getting filled up already by Mr. Gordon. He had his two younger sons to fix the car. Before I could even step in, All I heard was, So I heard you had an encounter with one of the pure grandsons of levidra. How was that experience mortal? Gordon said as he teleported in front of me like the drop of a hat.

I looked at that dumb, smug bastard's dragon smile; did you go mad? Also, how many deep ones did you kill? His small angelic dragon hybrid wings were flapping like the speed of hummingbirds. He had a smile that was stretched ear to ear.

Yeah, it was one of the most challenging things I encountered; it barely could fit in the cave, its four wings looked like it could break the sky, its skin looked so amphibious and frog-like with dragons-like scales, the pure grandsons of levidra are a horrific sight to behold.

By your description, you encountered a young, pure spawn of Ghraioth'ru, leader of the lords of the abyss. I still remember this passage from Levidra Tablets of the Abyss by Mr.Gordon

What was the passage, Gordon I replied

"The sea was black. The water looked like liquid darkness as the waves were crashing into themselves. Massive tsunamis form as massive squid-like tentacles rise from the sea. The tentacles broke through the very atmosphere. Then it came forth. Ghraioth'ru, leader of the lords of the abyss and first son of Levidra.Ghraioth'ru, the one who sleeps within the liquid darkness. Its massive dragon's rudimentary wings Turned the sky turned black. Ghraioth crimson eyes look like a burning inferno. Ghraioth'ru Is beyond death, time, and fate. Ghraioth'ru is the priest of Levidra." -The Mad prophet Virgil Innocent the Third. Said Gordon

When he spoke those words, I felt like I was staring back at that child of Ghraioth'ru. If that were just larvae, I would hate to see an adult or even an elder grandson of levidra. If that was just a peek into the abyss, I hope to all good gods I never dive into the abyss. That's what I thought as Gordon told me about levidra and the lord of the Abyss. I zoned out because I started texting Mother Lily.

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