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December 12, 2023
Sages POV

As me and Aria walk to my house, I'm letting my brain overthink of how tonight could go.

It's only 3:24 PM, and in my house, we don't eat until almost 5:30. Meaning me and Aria will be sitting in my room for the next two hours.

I don't have an issue with it. But, she put her hand on my thigh earlier...

And I'm not complaining about it, but what else could go down in my room?

Well, obviously we wouldn't do it, way too soon for that. I don't think we plan on doing that anyway. Probably just some light making out...

"So," Aria said, breaking the barrier of silence between us, "Are we going to tell her?"

"Tell who?" I asked, acting oblivious. "And telling them what?"

"Are we telling your aunt about me and you? If not it's fine, I just want to know if that's something you want to do while we're at dinner tonight."

"I don't know yet. Mind you, we're nothing too serious yet, but at the same time, if I tell her, we'd be able to do more things, like more serious dates."

"Did you not like our little date on Saturday?"

I realize how wrong that sounded...

"No, of course I did! I just meant like going out to dinner and stuff like that without them suspecting us. Because yeah, we would want to do that, but feeling like our guardians are kinda questioning us isn't a good feeling, is it?"

"Fair point, actually. I don't want to think about what my mom thinks of me."

"Exactly. So maybe if I tell my aunt, and you tell your mom if you're ready for that, we can go out on dates without having to worry about our guardians finding out before we can tell them."

"I think I'll tell her soon. I just don't know if she or anyone in my family can handle it."

"What do you mean?"

She pauses for a bit. Probably trying to form her words as best as possible?

"Mind you, my dad died not too long ago. Taking in the death of a loved one, and then being surprised with the fact that your child is gay, but never got a chance to tell that loved one, might hurt my family."

I never thought of it like that...

"I'm so sorry, I never thought of it like that," I told her.

"No it's fine, I was probably over thinking that! Forget I said anything," she says, nervously and speeding up her pace. Not running away fully, but trying to avoid the conversation.

"No, Aria," I say, grabbing her arm so she can pay attention to me.

"Sage, just-"

As she turns around I place a kiss on her lips, just so she'd listen.

She finally stops in front of me and looks into my eyes.

"Love, if you want or need to talk about it more, please do," I told her. "Don't hold it in. You can tell me anything."

"I'm sorry, did you just call me 'love'?"

Oh shit- That seems like a wrong time.

"That just.. slipped, I guess."

"Say it again!"

"Uh, no! I'm good," I laughed.

"But it's adorable."

"I have a bunch of other things I can call you."

"Like what?"

"Oh my goodness we're not doing this right now," I say, hugging her so tight.

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