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October 18, 2023
Arias POV

After my interaction with Sage in the hallway, I went straight to class, which is physical science, and sat at my usual table with my friends. Robyn, Jean and Blake, who are all very protective of me, and immediately had concern about me being just 20 seconds late to class.

Luckily, since this is our last class of the day, the teacher doesn't care. She want to get out of here too.

"Aria, want to explain?" Jean asked.

"Hehe, no."

"You hate even being a bit late to class," Robyn says. "Plus, we all left the same time as you, being in the same hallway."

"Well I had to go by my locker, which is in the english hallway."

"Still, being even just a bit late is concerning for you."

"Yes, I know, I had an interaction in the hallway as well."

All three of them look at me like they're ready to fight.

"Who was it?" Blake asks. "I don't care if it was a boy or a girl. My fists are bisexual."

"Nothing happened," I said. "I may or may not have accidentally tripped someone in the halls since I decided to walk with my head down."

"What did they say to you after?" Jean asks.

"They just told me they were okay and that everything's fine and we had random conversation about the fact that me and them are in choir together."

"Who was it?" Blake inquires, being the nosy person he is wanting every single detail.

"Her name was Sage. I didn't catch her last name."

"Sage Beckett?" Blake laughs.

"What's so funny?" Robyn asks. I'm glad she asked that, because I'm confused too.

"There's no way in heck Sage would be friends with you."

"Blake!" Jean exclaims.

I don't care about Blake being... well, Blake. He's said stuff like this a lot, so it just doesn't phase me.

"I'm just saying. Arias an introvert, Sage is more extroverted. Aria is just... Aria in general. Sages vibe doesn't align in my opinion."

"Dude, that doesn't mean anything," Robyn says. "Her and Aria could become friends. Stop wishing on peoples downfall."

"I'm not wishing on her downfall, I'm telling the truth."

"Guys, I don't care. Can we just continue working on the plane? We still need to fix the engine and add more drag and thrust to it."

"My point is being proven."

"Blake, stop acting like a dick before I cut yours off," I firmly said.

Suddenly he went quiet. I don't understand why he still hangs around us if all he does is act so rude towards me.
Sages POV

Finally, gym class. My last class of the day and I'm with my friend, Cyrus and Autumn. Like we didn't see each other two class periods ago.

"Beckett, 2 minutes late, 2 laps around the gym."

Ugh, Mr. Greene kinda sucks. There's no point in making me do laps. We do whatever we want in here anyway. As long as we're wearing gym gear and we're being active.


Once I finish my laps I go to where Cyrus and Autumn are, which is the middle of the gym. They're just doing warm up stretches, but they refuse to start without me.

"Where were you?" Cyrus asks.

"I had an issue in the hallway," I respond.

"Like what?" Autumn questions.

"I tripped over someone's foot, and then I had a talk with them. Not a bad talk, but it's the fact that she's in choir with me and... yeah, never mind, it's a long story. But, there's kinda the basics of it."

"Ah, okay. So you're late because you tripped over someone but then decided to talk with them?" Cyrus asks.

"Is that not what I said, Cyrus Jakob Williamson?"

"The government name is crazy," Autumn says.

"Hush. Who was this girl anyway?" he asks.

"That new girl, Aria. I told you about her. She's the girl who sits in the back of choir and just doesn't speak."

"Have you tried getting her to speak?" Autumn questions.

"No, but honestly I want to. She seems nice! Plus, I want to get her out her comfort zone."

"What do you mean?"

"From what she told me, it seems she only feels comfortable talking to three people in this school, and she's not going to talk in a certain class if they're not in that class."

"Ah. Yeah, definitely bring her out of that box," Cyrus says. "Matter of fact, make her burst out of it."

"I don't know dude, I might try crawling before walking."

"That's a better idea," Autum says. "Cyrus, I think you got a bit too excited there."

"I mean, yeah. I like hearing about people breaking out of their comfort zones. People have got to learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable."

"You know, that's the smartest thing I've heard you say."

"Okay, conversation over. What wants to go play basketball?" I asked.

"Bet, James, get over here!" Cyrus calls for his best friend so we can all play a two against two.

Cyrus and Autumn are my greatest friends. To be honest, it's weird...

I'm somehow very high ranked on our grades popularity chart, which I don't care about. I only talk to two people, so how does everyone just love me automatically?

Honestly, I'm fine with it though. If it means no one wants to start drama with me, then let it continue.

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