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November 28, 2023
Sage's POV

First day back from thanksgiving break! I don't know why, but coming back to school after a break, no matter how short it is, just makes me happy.

There's only one person I'm excited to see...

Speaking of which, here she is, walking into choir. But not in her usual, happy way.

Did something happen over break? Or is she being awkward about the whole... movie theater experience?

"Hey!" I said.

"Hi," she responded, dryly.

She's fidgeting with her fingers. Leg kinda shaking. Also, her eye contact is not on point right now. Well, at the same time, it's a rare occasion for her to make eye contact with anyone. But that's not the point.

Is she mad at me or something?

"How was break?" I asked. "I know you said you were hanging out with your father over break. Did you have fun?"

Suddenly I see a tear rolling down her face. Did I say something wrong?

Wait a second...

Oh no.

"He's gone. Isn't he?"

She nods her head. No longer even looking at me.

I pull her in for a hug. This is so unfair.

"I'm so sorry. You should not have to through any of this."

"It's fine. You shouldn't have to deal with me."

I pull away. "What ever do you mean?"

"You shouldn't have to deal with my life issues. Let's just forget about it."

"No, Aria, I'm not forgetting about anything. Your father just died, and you expect me to not be there for you?"

"Well I'm not saying all that. It's just that you know a whole bunch about my life, only within a month of knowing me, and I'm tired of burdening you with it."

"Aria, you're not a burden. I will say it over and over until you believe me."

"But Sage-"

"No. Listen. I don't care if I only knew you for a day. An hour, a minute, even a second. I know exactly what you're going through, and I will be there for you every step of the way. Even if I didn't know, I would still be there for you. I don't care what you're going through, you're my best friend and I will be there for you."

I don't know where all that came from...

Arias just looking at me. I don't know what this expression is. Shocked? Neutral?

She pulls me in for a tight hug. Tighter than usual.

I can't tell if she's still crying or not. I just know that I seriously feel bad for her right now.

"Wait," she says, pulling away. "What do you mean you know what I'm going through?"

"That's not important," I responded.

"Kinda is."

I don't want make this about me. But, she seems so intrigued...

Plus, maybe it'll distract her. Not many people want to continue to think of their grief.

"I was 8 years old when my mom died. She also died from cancer."

"Oh... I'm so sorry I never knew."

"It's fine. I've gotten over it. To be honest, I think everything has a purpose. Maybe there's a reason my mom had her life taken. So maybe there's a purpose..."

"... For my dads death as well."

"Who knows? God puts us through challenges. What matters is how we go through them, not how we let it affect us."

"I think honestly it's because of how he was treating some of humanity. He made some lives miserable, so his got taken."

"That... seems about right actually."

Okay, that was bit too deep, but I'll take it.

This is still so unfair though. Arias done nothing to deserve this life. It's like she can't be happy for once, and I don't get why.

What if I could make her happy...?

Okay, no, that's kinda ridiculous. For the millionth time, that kiss was nothing.

Or was it-?

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