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January 8, 2024
Sage's POV

Class is a bit too boring right now. But at the same time, it's a Monday, what do I expect?

Aria's currently texting me tuxedo/suit options for the winter formal. She doesn't know what color she wants to go with, so she's leaving the option to me.

(Aria) blue or red? or we can be ironic and go with SAGE green 🙃

(Me) I think we should do that actually! I feel like that's a great color on you lol

(Aria) you're also saying that because you want to wear that dress that hasn't got the chance to leave your closet 😂

(Me) ... You caught me there 😂

"What do you even find interesting about her?" Cyrus asks, who's been looking at my phone the whole time.

"More importantly, why are you in my business?" I question.

"I asked you a question first."

"Well to be honest, I find her humor, kindness, loyalty and boldness very attractive. Not to mention how cute she is."

"She's really not."

That's where he crosses the line. If he were to say that about her personality, I wouldn't care. I'd just move away. But saying she's not cute?

"I'm sorry that you just can't pull any girls because of how desperate you are, but that doesn't mean you can say that about my girl-"

"Don't even say girlfriend, you guys aren't even official!"

"So what? She's still my girl, and I'm not going to let you disrespect her like that."

"Honesty is not disrespect."

"At a certain point it is."

"Sage, it's not my fault that you're going out with an autistic fucker. Did you expect anyone to not say anything? No one has said anything about it, but that just leaves room for me to be the first one to say something."

I just freeze right there. "Autistic fucker?"

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?!" I ask.

"I'm just being honest! Everyone just thinks it's okay that you're dating someone who's autistic! Oh wait, no one even knows because you won't tell anyone!"

"Since when was Aria even autistic though? She just has ADHD, and that makes her autistic?!"

"She has both, Sage, are you that blind that you don't see it?"

"You know what, I'm done. I get that you don't like that I'm with Aria and not you, but that gives you no reason to bash on her the way you are..."

"Sage, I-"

"No, Cyrus, just leave me alone."

I get up and move to an empty seat across the room. Somewhere that he can hardly see me.

I almost cry at the fact that people like Cyrus exist. I don't know a single thing about Aria being autistic, but even if she was does that give him the right to call her an "Autistic fucker?"

"Sage this isn't your assigned seat," Ms. Ennis says coming up to me.

"I know," I said. "I'm sorry, I just can't sit next to Cyrus anymore."

"Want to explain why?"

"Not really."

"Okay. You can sit here for the day, I'll just make new assigned seats."

"Okay then."

I don't think I like the sound of new assigned seats. There's other people in here who I wouldn't prefer to sit with.

Actually, Xander, Willow and Lakelyn seem interesting. If I get sat next to any of them I wouldn't mind.

Oh wait, I have science with Cyrus again...

Autumn is in that class to.

Why do people exist?

POV Switch - Aria

As I walk into choir, Sage looks quite... depressed.

"Hey, love..." I say, being cautious as I walk up to her.

"Hi.." she replies.

"Are you okay? You seemed fine this morning over text? Although, at the same time I obviously didn't see your face and couldn't recognize your tone of voice."

I see a tear just slowly roll down her face...

I've never seen Sage cry.

"Baby..." I say softy as I sit down next to her and bury her head in my shoulder.

She cries softly in my arms, but still can't get a word out.

I signal Ms. Clarke over..

"Is she okay?" She asks as she walks over.

"I don't know, but can we go into the practice room so I can speak with her in private?" I ask.

"Of course."

I take her by the hand to the practice room and sit her down in front the piano.

"Try to breath for me, love..." I say, with my arms still around her waist...

She slowly calms down, enough to get her words out.

"Now please, tell me what's wrong..."

"I'm tired..." she says.

"Of what?"

"Of people.. I lost one of my so called friends this morning... Over something so stupid."

"Want to elaborate on that?"

"Cyrus... He saw us texting this morning and he had an issue with it, and he said that you're an autistic fucker, said I shouldn't be with you, and... It just hurts."

I always knew something was up with that dude.

"It doesn't make sense to me either. You're not even autistic. Not only that but he said he was happy for our relationship..."

Oh wait a minute she didn't know?

"Umm... Sage..." I start, trying to make sure she doesn't flip out if I tell her. "Now might be a bad time to tell you that I do actually have autism..."

"Wait.. Really?" She questions, so confused.

"Yeah, I never told you?"


"Well we can speak about it later. But let's just focus on this whole Cyrus debacle..."

How do I give her words of motivation? I'm not used to this honestly...

"Remember when you said you were jealous of Harry Potter?" I ask. "Because he had the ability to talk to snakes?"

"Yeah?" She responds, confused.

"Well, love, as you walk through high school, you're going to realize that we've been doing it all along. There are always hidden snakes in the grass, but you know what we do? We either avoid them, or we can hurt them by showing we don't give a fuck about what they think of us. Don't let this uneducated peanut tear you down just because he doesn't know what it's like to be in a relationship..."

We sit in silence for a moment, with Sage looking in my eyes...

"Thank you, Ari... You're literally... Amazing."

"They call me 'Amazing Ari' for reason."

"... No one calls you that..."

"They will soon."

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