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November 22, 2023
Arias POV

9:23 AM. I'm not supposed to wake up until 10 but dang it my heart is too excited.

After 3 months I can finally see my dad, with a whole bunch of fun activities. Going to the pier, going to our favorite restaurant, last but not least, what we do every time we used to have our "Daddy-Daughter" hang outs, we go to the mall and I pick two main stores and get whatever. It always ends up being a stuffed animal. He probably already knows what I'm gonna ask for.

I get up and put on a shirt. Then I find whatever socks are laying in my floor and go downstairs. I like helping my mom with breakfast in the morning, so I hope she hasn't started yet.

Oh she's not even in the kitchen?

Meaning she's in her office!

I rush there, but I don't see what I'm expecting...

Mom looks stressed, which usually never happens, and Nicole looks like she's going to cry. Atticus kinda doesn't have emotion, except for when he's happy. But in this case, he's not, so he's just there.

I thought today was supposed to be a happy day?

"Mom?" I said.

Then they both look at me, like they didn't expect me to be awake right now.

"Good morning, Aria," Nicole said, with such a fake smile.

"How do we tell her?" My mom asked.

"Tell me what? Aren't I supposed to be going to dad today? I was about to start getting ready."

They all look at each other. The way they look at each other can already tell me...

"Don't tell me..." I started, but couldn't finish.

"I'm so sorry Aria," Nicole said, pulling me into a hug. Atticus joins.

I pull away, because there's no way in heck he's passed away.

"No, there's no way. Me and him were just talking yesterday, he said he was excited to see me. Mom, tell me this is a joke!"

"I wish I could, honey. He passed in his sleep last night."

Atticus pats my shoulder, Nicole's looking at me dead in my eyes.

"Aria, we didn't expect this to-"

Before she can finish I run back upstairs to my room. Because there's literally no way it all happened that fast. That's too fast. He only found out less than a month ago, how has he passed already?

I go on my phone and see a text from my supposed to be step mom (I don't think they ever got married, but they did have kids).

(Step mom) Aria, I'm sorry. I know you were supposed to see him today. It's a shame that it had to be last night that he got taken from us. I know me and you were never really close, but I'm here for you.

I don't know if I should believe that or not. She seemed to not like me honestly.

Next thing you know, a text from Sage.

(Sage) Good morning! Hope you have fun with your dad today :)

I love her to death, I really do. But I can't handle her right now. She can't know about any of this. Sage cannot exist in my mind for the next couple of days.

No one can.
November 23, 2023
Sage's POV

So this is concerning. Weird. Abnormal. A bunch of other words that aren't flowing to my mind.

I refuse to use my brain when I technically don't have to.

Anyways, I've been texting Aria since yesterday morning, and usually she's reply almost instantly. But now I'm getting nothing.

9:28 AM
Good morning! Hope you have fun with your dad today :)

12:37 PM
Hey! Are you having fun?

3:49 PM
You okay? I haven't heard from you all day.

11:32 PM
You're probably asleep, but I still wanted to say goodnight!

10:06 AM (Today)
Good morning! Can I get a response now? Lol

12:31 PM
Hey, I'm making your famous ramen noodles for lunch 🙃🙃

4:52 PM
Are you okay? I haven't heard from you for a whole day. That's not like you.

1:24 AM
I know I've been blowing up your phone since yesterday, but I just wanted to say good night..

She hasn't even opened my messages. She always has read receipts going through the screen.

I know she said she was hanging out with her father yesterday. Maybe she's still with him? I don't know how that would work, but she could've stayed the night at his house or something, you know?

Plus, it's Thanksgiving. I remember her telling me her father doesn't celebrate this holiday since he's not very religious, but she could still be spending this time with him.

She's probably out having fun with him, so I'm not too worried. As long as she's okay, I'm okay.

Wait. What if this is about our kiss?

It can't be that. We both agreed it was just intrusive thoughts, we were trying to live in the moment, and it means nothing to either of us.

But I can't lie. Yes, it meant something to me. But do I want to admit that? No. I'm not trying to ruin Aria even more. She's got enough shit on her plate, she doesn't need me pulling her down more.

"Hey hon," my aunt said.


"What's going on with you? You've been pretty down recently. Have you gotten your meme of the day from Aria? Thought you would've gotten one today especially since it's Thanksgiving."

Context: Aria typically sends me something random that'll get me through day. Like, any kind of meme that includes a dog. It oddly gets me motivated to get the day started, and it gets me through the day without chopping heads off.

"She hasn't been responding to my texts actually," I said. "She usually replies in an instant but I've been left on delivered since 9 AM yesterday."

"That's weird. I'm pretty sure it's nothing though. Aria would tell you if somethings going on."

She's got a point. Aria always tells me about her issues, never hide anything from me. I love being there for her.

But it's still weird. She's not ignoring me on purpose, is she? That doesn't seem like an Aria thing to do.

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