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December 1, 2023
Arias POV

We just got on the bus not too long ago. I think everyone besides me, Sage, Nolan and Zane are knocked out. Nolan and Zane are actually sitting in front of us.

Sage and I decided to bring our switches. I didn't even know she had one. Or maybe it's her cousins. But it's whatever. We're just back here playing Mario Kart, which I'm destroying her in. I've beat her 7 times.

You know how you can play a round and there's four races per round? That's what we're doing right now. We're on the last race of round 2.

"What kind of Harry Potter magic are you pulling right now?" she asked.

"It's not magic," I said. "It's called actually being good at the game."

"Dang, me personally I'd never let her talk to me like that," said Zane.

"Hush," she said, jokingly.

We finished the last race, and as usual, I got first place, while she got eighth.

"It's better than last time," she said, chuckling.

"True, but I'm still better."

"Whatever," rolling her eyes.

She then rubs her eyes pretty aggressively.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just still kinda tired. That energy drink didn't do anything."

"Well then you should go back to sleep. We're gonna be here for a while."

"No it's fine, let's just continue playing."

"Okay then."

10 minutes later, once again, I beat her in the last two races.

"Wow," I said. "Just wow."

"Eh, I don't care at this point," she says with laughter. She's rubbing her eyes, again.

"Sage, seriously, go to sleep."

"Who's going to keep you entertained?"

"We will," Nolan interferes.

"Yeah, we bought our switches too," says Zane.

"Um, no. I have other games on here."

Love them, I really do. But they can be quite extra sometimes.

"Okay then," she says.

She leans back and shuts her eyes, and I log on to Overwatch 2.

While playing a round, I feel something on my shoulder.

I look and see that Sage is knocked out. One, why is she so heavy headed? But two, she looks so peaceful when she's sleeping.

Like, a newborn. She looks very cuddly at the moment.

Let me stop.

Anywho, I'm just going to play Overwatch for a bit.

"Can I please play with you?" Zane asks.

"Isn't Nolan keeping you entertained?"

"Not really, he's just up here talking about cars."

"Okay, cars are cool though!" Nolan says, jokingly offended.

"Okay fine," I laugh. "You can play with me, but if you end up being the reason we lose, you're not playing with me again."

"Fair enough."

*20 minutes later*

Shockingly, he actually lead us to a win.

"Okay, fine. You're a decent player."

"Admit it," he said. "I'm amazing."

"I wouldn't say all that."

I have a major headache right now. I think I've been awake for too long, or on my switch for too long. To be fair, it's pretty close to my face.

"I'm join Sage in the sleeping game. My head hurts."

"Okay then, I'll keep him entertained," Nolan says.

"No, I'll just be listening to music," Zane says. "It's better than cars."


"Good night goofballs," I said, laughing.
POV Switch — Sage

I was knocked out. I'm telling you, that energy drink didn't help.

I'm looking at an odd angle right now?

I look up and I see Aria, knocked out. And I notice I'm laying in her shoulder.

She looks adorable when she's-

Wait a minute, why am I on her shoulder?

"Someone's finally awake," Nolan says. "Everyone else abandoned me for sleeping."

"Did I actually fall asleep on her?" I ask.

"Yeah. Did you not intend to?"

"No. I intended to fall asleep, but not on her."

"Eh, I'm sure she didn't care. If she had an issue she would've pushed you off."

"How long was I asleep?"

"Only 45 minutes or so."

"At least it wasn't longer."

"Want to play Mario Kart again?"

"Uh, no. Not in the mood for losing."

"I'll go easy!"

"Sure you will. But, we can play Overwatch."

"Okay, I'll deal with that."

I slowly remove my head from Arias shoulder to make sure I didn't wake her up. I know full well she didn't sleep much last night. She never does.

I'm pretty sure that was weird for her. But it's whatever, she's asleep, and just like how we held hands at the movie theater, we'll pretend it never happened.

Or at least I hope so...

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